

  • omg that is pretty much the grossest site i've ever seen! i'm obviously not healthy, but i would rather have my rubbing together legs than chopsticks to teeter around on. it works for some women, like pretty much everyone else has already said, because of body type, etc. and a little gap is one thing, but where your thighs…
  • I feel you, honey! I'm right there with you. Getting that diagnosis of diabetes is what threw me over the edge. I cried all that night, and freaked out because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to eat anything I liked, and pretty much threw a tantrum for the first few weeks. Then I went to some diabetes management…
  • thank you all so much for this thread! I saw dontstopb_leakin's original thread, and i have kept that tab open for probably 2 weeks now because she inspires me. i have started SL 5x5, about a week ago, and i already feel stronger and more capable. it is scary as hell walking into golds' free weight section as a fat girl…
  • boobs. butt. and the time spent to push myself to be more outgoing, friendly, funny and charming. (most) guys will go talk to a thin girl with no problem - i had to make them want to talk to me, so i had to offer more, personality wise. also, i'm almost always warm :)
  • that's a great feeling! mine is that i can now walk up a flight of stairs and not be huffing and puffing! now just huffing lol :)
  • I'm the fat friend, too... sucks! But not for long :) I've seen so many inspiring stories here, I know that change is possible!
  • I read through all 14 pages and had tears come to my eyes a few times! How insanely amazing are you all?!?! I've only started a few weeks ago, and am 12 lbs down. I took some "before" pics tonight because of this thread - hopefully I can make the huge changes you all have!
  • You should definitely have hope! I know how it is - it feels like you have to lose sooooo much weight before it is actually noticeable, when in reality there's plenty of bits that are slimming down without you noticing. This might sound weird, but I can see your loss in the area under your arms next to your body (under…
  • I started at 349 when I got told I was diabetic on 2/20. Since then I have started metformin and drastically reduced the amount and (low) quality food that I eat. I average 1300-1400 calories a day, and it's not a bad as I thought it would be. I have lost 10 lbs since then, and could definitely use more friends who truly…
  • Saying it loud, I'm a nerd and I'm proud! Harry Potter, LOTR, and then on the other side of the spectrum, the boyfriend has introduced me to the joy of comic books and I'm totally immersed! I'm watching The Crow right now... squeeeeee!