That's amazing! Such a fun story, I bet you felt great! :)
Well done. Your progress is fantastic! Keep it up! :)
I have boughtsnack size oreos - 2 cookies, 106 calories. Not too much to feel guilty but enough to satisfy my sugar craving. :)
Hi Cynthia, Congratulations on starting your journey! Feel free to add me, I'm in London xXx
Amazing! I may give this insanity a go!
Keep eating the right amount of calories and yes you will lose weight, however you don't seem to eating anything packed with good stuff - don't forget to eat your fruits & veggies too!
Thanks guys! Hopefully I'll be back on the road again soon!
Running does make you awesome, however I AM having a bit of trouble with my knee (probably from overuse). Just a little pinchy when I walk! Any good strength routine you could recommend or a taping technique to help it get better more quickly? Thanks!
Not close close, but I'm in Dollis Hill !!! Hey !!!! :smile:
We all have setbacks - I managed to knock back 5 pints of beer at The Killers gig on Saturday night, But hey, that was Saturday, today is Monday. It'ss all behind us now. You have to live a little otherwise you'll quit! Don't beat yourself up about it and look forward to all the delicious healthy stuff we're going to eat…
Awesome! Keep up the good work!
Keep at it! What a great result! :)
Great result Paul, keep it up! If you're plateau-ing remember that as you're lighter you don't need as many calories so reducing them will help keep your body losing. As long as you feel good and your body is looking better you'll still have the motivation to keep going! :smile:
Well done!
If you've never run 5k before then surely just completing it is goal enough? Don't get caught up in the times, just enjoy it! It wil be tough at first but it gets easier. Where do you live? There is a great FREE 5k series called Parkrun that happens every week. Are there any near you? Good luck !!!
This is amazing! I have also taken up running and went from not being able to run a mile to a marathon last year. It's so amazing and I want to talk to everyone about how much running has changed my life! I'm glad you're enjoying it too !!! :)
I'm not there yet, but I can touch with the one in between! I don't know if my bones will even move that way! :laugh:
Awesome! Keep going any you'll soon be able to touch with your pinky! :smile:
Well done! Keep it up & buy more short shorts !!! :happy:
I haven't really told anyone and am just eating more vegetables and less shop bought food. A cookies here and there won't hurt as long as you're good 90% of the time. Now my clothes are too big that's ball the encouragement I need! :)
This is amazing, you can see such a difference! I bet you feel great! Keep at it, you're doing so well! :)
Amazing well done!:smile:
All you need to do is be active & eat right. The rest will fall into place. You'll feel better just be changing little things. Remember to allow yourself a little bit of what you fancy or you'll be sure to find it too hard and will quit! Good Luck, you can 100% do this !!!! :smile:
I have F's and I run, you just need a good bra. No need to worry that people will be looking at you because you'll be past them in a second or 2 !!! :)
I have a shock absorber run bra. It has a fastener at the back and one at the shoulder blades and I have hardly any bounce now (plus it makes the girls look great!)
I have cut down to 1 can every other day or so. Diet coke makes me want chocolate so I try & stay away from it!
That's amazing, well done! :)
You can do it !!! I am an 'on again, off again' too. But this time I've decided it's for good. 4 weeks in I have lost 8 pounds already !!! :happy:
I have the worst sweet tooth! I've found buying either a smaller bag - kid snack size or similar really helps. Or I have made up my own pop corn and sprinkle in a little sweetner. Delicious !!!