Hmm...the trouble is, you have a diet full of restrictions and IMHO restrictions lead to binging. Throughout my dieting career, any time I've tried to cut out something ie. sugar, carbs, fat etc. I can't maintain it. I feel miserable, deprived and I start to dread social gatherings that involve food and/or drink. It's…
Because I'm fed up of being skinny fat....and cardio is hideous!
I'm more of an hourglass but the fat on my thighs/general middle section was the very last thing to go. I put on a stone or so over the holidays and guess where the weight went straight back :/ *sigh* Now I'm 9 pounds down again, and it's being extra stubborn this time.
I like food. I like eating food which = obscene amounts of calories. Unfortunately I also like being slim. The two don't mix well!
I would say that when people gain back any weight loss, it's because they go straight back to old eating habits. I know I've done it before. That's why maintenance is so hard, you're suddenly not on a "diet" anymore so you can eat what you want again, right? No, because that's what got you overweight in the first place.…
I love these programmes too! Secret eaters the other night was great...and of course fat the fight of my life, I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty tempted to put 20 stone on just to get Jessie round.
Oooooh the things I would do to this cake...
There was a fairly huge change for me! People didn't recognise me! I can't get photos to work on here so see profile :)
I saw someone today that I hadn't seen for a month or so, and they said I looked "healthy and glowing". It made me smile :)
I know exactly how you feel! I've lost about 6 stone over the last few years and it's been a slow and painful process. I'm on my last 10 pounds or so, which means it's now even more slow and painful. I walk the dog every day, I go to the gym, I lift heavy. I weigh everything I eat, I'll still eat what I want but in…
I was diagnosed about 15 months ago. The worst flare I had left me bedridden for weeks and I lost over two stone. Once I recovered (took about 6 months) I was actually really happy with my new figure - I had NEVER been that slim. Plus the nature of crohns meant I could eat what I liked and I would never put on weight. I…
I call it reverse body dysmorphia...I look great in the mirror. Then come the photos....
If losing weight is going to help you feel better about how you look then you know what you have to do.... The first two weeks are the hardest, it's a massive lifestyle change don't forget! Once you get into the swing of things it becomes a lot easier trust me! I'm at day 42 now and I'm still going strong and learning how…