I love "Secret Eaters"



  • flow2512
    flow2512 Posts: 74 Member
    Does anyone else watch fat the fight of my life, obese a year to save my life, fat families, ss v ss, the men who made us thin/fat?
    I'm addicted to all of them!

    I like that program, have watched most of them when they were on - I like the program on MTV called ' I used to be fat' mostly about teenagers losing weight before college, American based - they mostly lose a lot of weight over the course of the summer holidays, through diet and exercise (a lot), it's on most Sunday afternoons in uk.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    clever premise. I like it
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
  • trizzletrix
    trizzletrix Posts: 92 Member
    Yes! I LOVE Secret Eaters, and Supersize vs Superskinny, and Biggest Loser and basically ALL of the weight loss porn hahaha.

    Can't get enough of that motivation! Love seeing others make positive changes in their lives.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Weight loss porn... that's a new one :)
  • pinkprincess3082
    pinkprincess3082 Posts: 13 Member
    I love these programmes too! Secret eaters the other night was great...and of course fat the fight of my life, I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty tempted to put 20 stone on just to get Jessie round.
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    I love most of these type of programmes but Supersize Superskinny annoys me a bit because I don't understand why the fat person has to eat the skinny persons meals and vice versa. It doesn't really prove anything, because they are complete opposites of the spectrum, so neither is setting a good example to the other. Why don't they just get them both to follow a healthy eating plan instead as a guide to how their meals should look... in terms of macronutrient balance and portion size etc. Line the advised meals next to their own and then they can compare how much they are under/over eating.
    There, I've just rewritten the format of the show.
  • KerrymBurgess
    KerrymBurgess Posts: 29 Member
    I love love love this program, it's hilarious "I'm 19 stone but I eat healthy and I don't drink!" what about the 20 shots in one night you forgot to mention?? Love it!!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Really, how hard is it to keep an accurate food diary? Before you put a thing in your mouth, you weigh that thing and add it to the log. Takes 10 seconds.

    What exactly is the point of lying to yourself and being in denial?
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    There was a newspaper article recently where a man said he thought he was eating healthy as he had 1 piece of fruit a day and didn't realise that the jam & double cream he had on his cereals wasn't healthy.

    It's an education thing, not everyone will be watching TV or even seen themselves in these shows if they watch them.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I think it is a bit of a lame programme. I think some of it is an act. I dont believe that people accidentally have a bacon roll the size of a cricket bat and forget about it.

    However, it does highlight the problem that many people on here complain about - 'Its so unfair. I eat really healthily and cant lose weight but my mate eats 5 McDonald's meals a day and is like a matchstick'. This of course is always a load of rubbish.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    It doesn't really prove anything, because they are complete opposites of the spectrum, so neither is setting a good example to the other.

    The second part of your sentence is exactly what it is proving. Neither would struggle with a balanced diet so you wouldnt gain anything from watching another person eat.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Along the same lines,I don't watch tv 99.9% of the time, but I have a weird fascination with those "I'm too fat to get out of bed" shows, though they are more about sensationalising it than educating... it just booked my brain how can you let it happen (you refers to the person,and the family/loved ones)
  • Jenky85
    Jenky85 Posts: 190 Member
    LOVE this show.

    Did anyone see the episode where a guy made a PIE SANDWICH..........a big pie squashed in between 2 bits of bread.

    Its a real eye opener

    Oh god...I hate how amazing that sounds! Ha ha
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    I guess it's just a useful reminder of how "just one" bag of crisps/ slice of cake/ chocolate bar adds up- for most of these people the occasional treat is anything but occasional.

    I've certainly been guilty in the past of doing the "I don't understand why..." thing. After moving to london I think I packed on about 15lbs almost overnight (or so it felt)
    Of course I was wilfully blind to the fact I was buying big, delicious (calorific) lunches every day, eating out more for dinner and of course more drinks to go with it.

    They only thing that's a mystery now is how it was only 15lbs and not more!!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    However, it does highlight the problem that many people on here complain about - 'Its so unfair. I eat really healthily and cant lose weight but my mate eats 5 McDonald's meals a day and is like a matchstick'. This of course is always a load of rubbish.

    It isn't in any way rubbish that some people just don't put on weight irrespective of a bad diet and no exercise.

    But yes, it's rubbish that anyone genuinely eating at a level optimum for weight loss wouldn't lose anything.
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 108 Member
    I love secret eaters! and supersize vs superskinny! Theres also Fat Families, which is harsh, but a good watch!
    Also theres american ones called 'I used to be fat' and 'Bulging Brides' .
    Im totally addicted to all of these!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member

    It isn't in any way rubbish that some people just don't put on weight irrespective of a bad diet and no exercise.

    It is rubbish. Metabolism is a lazy excuse and does not vary to the extent that you could eat the calories for 2 people per day and not put on weight.... without running 10 miles every day.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member

    It isn't in any way rubbish that some people just don't put on weight irrespective of a bad diet and no exercise.

    It is rubbish. Metabolism is a lazy excuse and does not vary to the extent that you could eat the calories for 2 people per day and not put on weight.... without running 10 miles every day.

    Having spent three years living with somebody and watching first hand them take in well over 3,500 calories a day, almost entirely from junk food, whilst doing literally zero exercise, and never once going above 140lbs (he's 5'10"), I can assure you it is very much true. But people like that are anomalies.

    For a while I was jealous, but I came to appreciate that I get high off the rewards I feel from knowing I've had to really work for results. No point me getting irate over something over which I have no control, might as well take the best from it.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member

    It isn't in any way rubbish that some people just don't put on weight irrespective of a bad diet and no exercise.

    It is rubbish. Metabolism is a lazy excuse and does not vary to the extent that you could eat the calories for 2 people per day and not put on weight.... without running 10 miles every day.

    Having spent three years living with somebody and watching first hand them take in well over 3,500 calories a day, almost entirely from junk food, whilst doing literally zero exercise, and never once going above 140lbs (he's 5'10"), I can assure you it is very much true. But people like that are anomalies.

    For a while I was jealous, but I came to appreciate that I get high off the rewards I feel from knowing I've had to really work for results. No point me getting irate over something over which I have no control, might as well take the best from it.

    Doesn't ride his bike to and from work, doesn't work a physically demanding job or anything?

    Just reminded me of a conversation with a 6'5" friend. Did the whole creatinine(sp) protein powder thing in the past, eating whole pizzas etc trying to gain weight. Couldn't. Gave up and now just eats normally. So we're talking about my 5 calorie per pouch drink mix and get to talking about sodas. Asks if I like sodas I say yeah I drink diet pop. He goes I don't drink any of that stuff. I just chug tons of water all day. *sigh*. Do you know what fat or even normal people are doing all day while you're chugging water, thin boy? I mean I'm not gonna say there are no anomalies but I'd still be curious what the intake vs. energy expenditure was before concluding they're special.