rainbowunicorns720 Member


  • Also, try weighing your food if you dont already. Its very easy to underestimate portion sizes and with a high fat diet its easy to eat far more calories than you realize since a slight miscalculation can mean being off by 1-200 cals (or more) at each meal. Also, dont eat back exercise cals if you normally do. Burn…
  • Try a fat fast (about 90% of cals from fat) or at least increase your fat intake some (while lowering protein). Really insulin resistant people cant usually tolerate high amounts of protein. To get the highest blood ketone readings I have to keep my macros at 80%+ fat and keep protein around 15%. The more protein I eat the…
  • Keto here! I did it before and lost 50 pounds in 4 months. Back at it again...day 9 for me and 13.5 pounds down. I log in every day. Would love some active friends so we can cheer eachother on!
  • Im keto/zc and would like some active friends!
  • Today is day 9 for me. This is my second time on Keto since I quit during pregnancy. I adapted much faster this time. I went 23 hours without eating before I ate today and I only had 700 cals yesterday. Still wasnt super hungry but ate anyway since I know I will be busy the rest of the day. Even went and played tennis on…
  • http://buttoni.wordpress.com/2011/06/08/toasted-coconut-candy/ These here...oh my dear sweet lord lol. They are amazing with absolutely no weird aftertaste from the sweetener (swerve) and at 91 percent fat...how much better can you get? You eat them right from the freezer (or let them sit out for about 10 minutes for a…
  • I lost 53 pounds in six months from diet alone. I was 13 pounds heavier than you to start and almost triple your fat percentage though. I averaged 1600 cals a day. Not sure why in the world you would ever want to be 135 at 6'. I'm only 5'4 and that's a healthy weight for a woman my height...but a 6' tall man?
  • Six months for 53 pounds. All diet. I weight lift sometimes but nowhere near regular enough to make a difference...but I'm changing that!!! If you aren't losing either your calories aren't low enough, you are overestimating your caloric burn or you aren't logging as good as you think you are. On the rare occasion I…
  • Oh my goodness! What a transformation! Incredible job! Congratulations! You look amazing!
  • Why would you want a big *kitten*? Do you see all the guys on here so eager to help? That's all the explanation you need lol. Thanks to the person who posted that link! I love that they show how to actually do all those exercises because i didn't know what some of those mentioned even were (bird dogs for example)! I've got…
  • Lots of great information! But a few things were extra encouraging! I also have fat placed evenly so I'm hoping I can achieve at least something CLOSE to what you have with the loose skin! I've never heard anyone say that the skin will tighten over time on it's own....also encouraging! Although, I HAVE had three kids so…
  • Low carb is not for everyone but it does work for those who actually take the time to research the way of eating (NOT DIET) and do it the correct way. Of course any time you treat a new way of eating as temporary you are going to gain it back. People think you can just lose the weight and just eat whatever the hell you…
  • Definitely true that if your calories aren't low enough you won't lose. I'm assuming that's because you are providing all the fat your body needs through diet so it has no need to tap in to its fat stores.
  • That's a great idea Kotu! I'm going to go calculate the difference now.
  • I set a custom calorie goal as well (one that includes TDEE and LBM). Was just curious how often I should recalculate. Thanks for the replies!
  • In it for the long haul here too! Feel free to add me (anyone!)
  • That's the easiest one! Eggs, bacon, sausage, oh my! lol...no but seriously...the possibilities are endless! I could give you a bunch of recipes that are low carb versions of favorite carby breakfast foods but they include ingredients a non low carber wouldn't have and it's not something you can buy in a one recipe amount.…
  • I do keto and would love another low carb friend! :)
  • I'm offering up possibilities as to why you aren't losing weight...and those are usually the reasons you stop losing weight on keto. But do what works works for you. I never said you weren't keto adapted either...if you weren't you wouldn't have a reading at all. If you don't cheat then this is your first experience with…
  • How tiny is "tiny"?? The less you weigh the less calories you are burning during exercise. You are probably over estimating your calories burned and thus not in as large a deficit as you think. Or since you are "tiny" maybe your body doesn't want to lose any more?
  • Wow! This is actually reassuring! I'm 5'4 and still have a lot to lose after losing some already. I was thinking i'd have at least 100 to go to get as small as I want to be but seeing some of you ladies at 130-140...you look great! Maybe I don't have to go as low as I thought. My lowest was 156 and I can't imagine losing…
  • Your morning fasting ketones are great though...do whatever you were doing at that time...and keep it up without a carb load if you can and you should start losing again. It takes a certain period of time of your body having low insulin levels to trigger fat release. I don't know how often you do these carb loads but it's…
  • Your ketones are lower because that carb feed caused a spike in insulin. Insulin rises...ketones fall...and fat is stored instead of burned. Insulin is THE fat storing hormone. You will not lose fat with elevated insulin. .6 is technically ketosis but barely. .5-1.5 is light nutritional ketosis with optimal being 1.5-3.0.…
  • Another benefit to cutting it completely is that you can see a difference in how you feel much faster than you will with moderation. For me, when I eat sweets now they seem overly sweet and just a tiny bit is plenty. Even fruit seems really sweet to me now. When you constantly exposure yourself to that stuff your tastebuds…
  • Totally agree with chris and tex. I'm on a very low carb diet and I realize it's not for everyone. But having been addicted to those foods my whole life...for me...cutting them completely was the key. I had to get away from them for a while and then every great once in a while i would have a cheat. After about five months…
  • I eat a keto diet so I get to have a LOT of foods most diets ban. Mainly things high in fats. Creams, cheeses, fatty cuts of meat, hamburger. I will say I go for FULL FAT cheeses, grass fed beef, pasture raised chicken...the healthiest versions of what I eat. I don't eat sugar at all and certainly not rice. I eat very low…
  • I'm a stay at home mommy to three kiddos under ten. :) 8, 6, 2. I don't wanna be a fat mommy either! I'm trying to practice what I preach because i feed them very healthy foods and encourage playing/exercise. I'd love to have another mommy friend!
  • I've got about 100 to lose (already lost 50) so feel free to add me! 30 was my turning point. I'm 31 now but ALL of this WILL be off before i turn 32 (next april) hopefully sooner!
  • you look great. super jealous of your rockin bikini bod!!