Is this a good plan to lose 100 pounds in 6 months?



  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I don't know about MMA. But I kicked *kitten* in wrestling because I had muscle and stamina. I was healthy.

    Why wouldn't you just build stamina at your weight class?
    Also, you're going to be at a disadvantage among those who are muscular and naturally around 135. You'll be tall and lanky. I was short and muscular in a low weight class and could overpower all the quick attempts at takedowns from the tall opponents who cut down.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    @Sanfly My height is 6', weight is 255 and my body fat is 18.1%

    If you weigh 255 and are 18.1% body fat (lets just assume you are). You currently have 46.155 lbs of fat (255 x .181 = 46.155). To lose 120 lbs (since bantamweight class is 61 kg or 135 lbs) and be a lean 7% at 135, you will need to lose 36.705 lbs of fat and 83.295 lbs of lean mass, mostly muscle.

    GW x GBF% = GBF lbs; Cur BF - GBF; Total loss - Fat loss = remaining weight to lose from lean mass
    135 x .07 = 9.45; 46.155 - 9.45 = 36.705; 120 - 36.705 = 83.295

    *If someone else does better math on this than me and finds an error, please correct it. I don't always math, but when I do, I tend to forget to carry the 1.


    I don't know too many people who are willing to drop a healthy 80+ lbs of lean mass just to be in a weight class that is so far out of reach. But again, this is assuming that you are 18% BF and not actually 50%.

    ETA: The math would suggest that this is a less than ideal plan.
  • rainbowunicorns720
    rainbowunicorns720 Posts: 48 Member
    I lost 53 pounds in six months from diet alone. I was 13 pounds heavier than you to start and almost triple your fat percentage though. I averaged 1600 cals a day. Not sure why in the world you would ever want to be 135 at 6'. I'm only 5'4 and that's a healthy weight for a woman my height...but a 6' tall man?
  • Its a really good idea to loose that much in that short time IF YOU WANT TO GAIN IT ALL BACK REALLY FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pull yourself together! You dident gain it that fast! To loose it so fast will not be good for your body or for your mind! IF you make it, you will still feel like you have all 100 lbs on your body and you will have messed up your metabolism! So you are sure to gain it all back just as fast. But good luck to you. :smokin: