

  • I've been making a knock-off of Chili's Margarita Chicken that I love. I marinate chicken breasts in lime juice & adobo seasoning and then cook them in a cast-iron skillet. I serve it over seasoned black beans & goya yellow rice with a small sprinkle of crushed baked tortilla chips and some salsa if desired.
  • Pearl Jam. Couldn't stand them back in the day, and still turn the channel every time they come on. Much to my husband's dismay.
  • My favorite tofu recipe is "vacon". Slice a block of extra firm tofu into bacon-ish sized slices. Place between two clean towels and use something heavy to press out the moisture - I like to use a stoneware cookie sheet. Fry in a pan coated with cooking spray until the edges are crispy and golden brown, flipping…
  • Well I've found that I can gain anywhere from 3-7 lbs over the course of the day. Mostly due to food and water I guess - I drink tons of water. In the long run, how many pounds different you are from the morning weight won't matter that much, it will be how much you lose over time. But you could probably safely say you…
  • I am looking at the sportband as well. I don't have a fancy phone or ipod, but I really like the nike+ functionality in theory.
  • Two of our favorites: Turkey & Green Bean Stir Fry Brown turkey with Asian spices (garlic, ginger, etc.), mix in soy sauce or braggs to taste. Once the meat is browned and seasoned, throw in about 1 lb. of fresh green beans, and cook til just done. Serve over rice. "Swedish" Meatballs This is so not anywhere near authentic…
  • Well I'm still much heavier than that, and I ran at 30 lbs heavier than this. So I don't think that your weight automatically means your knee will hurt. The biggest thing that made the difference for my running was getting properly fitted for running shoes at my local running store. It was amazing to me the difference that…
  • That is amazing! I'm hoping to break 12 minutes for a mile myself!
    in Running NSV! Comment by cahira July 2011
  • You look amazing and are such an inspiration!
  • I fell off the wagon as well. Gained back 6 lbs that were hard enough to get off. But today I got up and did my run, and drank my water and ate my healthy breakfast. And later I'm gonna run to the store and grab some of the bars that I like so I can keep them in my purse and eat them instead of something unhealthy.
  • My current dream is to get my 5K under 40 minutes! But I totally agree that running outside beats all. Even when it's as hot and humid as all get out here in Florida!
  • First off I would suggest you take a bit of time off from running until the pain goes away. And then yes, definitely get fitted. The proper shoes made all the difference for me running as a big girl.
  • I'm obese and I run. I think what you have to do is listen to your body. Pay attention to make sure aches don't turn into pain or injury. I did the C25K program and it took me about 3-4 months instead of 9 weeks. But now I run 5K's and I'm working on doing more.
  • I have a short run scheduled tonight - 2 miles. I'm going to try evening running as opposed to early AM running. I'm hoping that will work better for me.
  • My current weight is 255. Not much of a loss from last week. Gotta buckle down this week!
  • Week 1: 265.2 Week 2: 263.4 Week 3: 265.8 Week 4: 265.0 Week 5: 261.8 Week 6: 261.6 Week 7:259.4 Week 8: 258.0 Week 9: 255.4 Week 10: 255.0 Edited: I read the scale wrong! I actually lost a smidge this week! Still need to buckle down though - only 10.2 lbs lost in 10 weeks.
  • I try to not eat quite all of my exercise calories back - I might leave anywhere from 100-300 "uneaten". The reason I try to do this, is I seem to be hungry enough on my few days off that I like to have the buffer. But I try hard to net at least 1200.
  • Ooh, sorry about that. I totally lost track of this one! I'll try to hang in here for the last few weeks! You are doing so awesome by the way! Week 1: 265.2 Week 2: 263.4 Week 3: 265.8 Week 4: 265.0 Week 5: 261.8 Week 6: 261.6 Week 7:259.4 Week 8: 258.0 Week 9: 255.4 Total loss 9.8 lbs. Hoo-boy, I need to step it up!
  • Another quick & healthy dinner is turkey-green bean stir fry. 93% Lean Ground Turkey Fresh Green Beans - trimmed & washed & diced Braggs or Soy Sauce Other spices - garlic, pepper, red pepper flakes if desired Brown the ground turkey with the spices. Mix in the braggs or soy sauce to taste. Stir in green beans and cover to…
  • I started the C25K the first of the year. It took me more than 9 weeks to complete the program, but I started at 286 lbs and I did it. You have to listen to your body and take it easy on yourself, but I ran a 5K a few weeks ago in under 42 minutes. And I'm working on increasing my distances and running 4 times a week now.…
    in I want to Run Comment by cahira May 2011
  • My favorite dinner/lunch is five ingredients or less: One chicken breast 1 oz. goat cheese A handful of grape tomatoes - sliced up Either polenta or couscous Cook the chicken breast and serve atop the goat cheese & tomatoes - tastes crazy decadent, but the goat cheese is only 70 calories. Cook the polenta or couscous in…
  • I hope it's not too late to join! My current weight is 255.4 - my goal is to lose 10.4 lbs by the fourth of July and be down to 245!
  • I hate the gym. I do Firm DVDs and run - even in the rain or the hot weather we had today here in Florida. I've lost 30 lbs since the first of the year just doing that and counting my calories via MFP. I don't think you need the gym at all. You can get cheap dvds on ebay if you want more variety in your workouts!
  • I have been big enough to qualify for the surgery - shoot I might still be. But I never considered it. Because I know that whether or not I succeed is up to me - and that when push comes to shove the surgery will not do the work for me. I have three good friends who have had the surgery. The first lost over 200 pounds and…
  • I started at about the same point you did and have lost a similar amount of weight. I very rarely get comments. I'm hoping to take off another good chunk over the summer so that when the boys go back to school in August the folks who see me all the time now might notice.
  • I actually like thinking about my weight in stones. Much less depressing then all the pounds! Of course for the loss saying 28 lbs is way more fun than 2 stone!
  • You look amazing! Congratulations on your success!
  • Today I had two low-fat nutrigrain waffles with a smear of peanut butter with water. Normally I have a tortilla filled up with a scrambled egg, some diced Canadian bacon, and a slice of cheese. That's my favorite breakfast. I might even have that for lunch today!
  • I used to use, but it's a pay site and I didn't use it enough to justify the cost. I need to get back into couponing though - trying to save money for a new house!
    in Couponers Comment by cahira May 2011
  • Oh thank goodness they are not expected in Florida. I grew up in Cincinnati and I remember the 17-year cicadas that came in one year. It was so awful!