When you cant afford a gym membership....

coakes31 Posts: 32 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Right now I cant afford to go to the gym so I have been basicly getting my excercise by walking outside at home and at work and also doing some work out dvd's. I would like to know anyone else out there that doesnt go to the gym and uses what they have at home feel they can have success at their weightloss buy just doing that? I dont have big equipment at home, just some weights and bands and jump ropes and dvds.

Would love feed back. I feel like at times im not going to get the results I want by just doing it at home, but I know that isnt true. I know it can be done at home.


  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Get a membership to the library and rent exercise videos there. Or if you can afford $9.00 a month, get Netflix and get exercise videos on there.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I had a gym membership for one month. It was lame (in my opinion). I am a HUGE fan of Zuzanna and her work with bodyweight exercises. Her website is bodyrock.tv and she has soooo many exercises for you to watch videos of and do yourself. She has been around for 3 or 4 years putting up exercises so there is no shortage of them. She still comes up with new ones for us to try out. Many of them are around 10 minutes long, but if you push yourself and try your hardest during it, you are pouring sweat and so tired when it is done. It is amazing.

    I also have some lightweight dumbells (about 20 dollars for a set of 6, 2lb, 3lb, and 5lb) and a few resistance bands. I have a pull up bar (around 20 bucks as well) and a jump rope (10 bucks max) and I use these things along with the body weight exercises. I am seeing some major shrinkage in me! :)
  • promiseskept
    promiseskept Posts: 119
    So far I have lost 35 Pounds usin no weights or gym. I walk, have occassionally used the wii fit, but really watch tv and walk or jog in place or used dvds, I have no tile to get to the gym and feel it is a waste of my time and money. I feel confident in what I am doing right here at home.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I do not go to a gym, no time or money to do so. I do various dvd's and have recently started running. I have some hand weights and was recently given a set of kettlebell weights. I have gotten great results. My arms and legs both have definition they have never had and I am just a few pounds from my goal weight. You can do it!!
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I've lost 28lbs without a gym. Some running shoes, healthy eating, pushups and ExerciseTV.
  • SNorris01
    SNorris01 Posts: 97 Member
    There are so many things you can do with out a gym. With out running. Jumping jacks, squats, mountain climbers, skaters, squat thrusts, even shadow boxing, kicking, pushups, situps, crunches, planks, wall squats, one legged squats, lunges, etc. You can burn a ton of calories with out needing a gym at all.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    the YMCA is often MUCH cheaper than a regular gym.
  • Kkimbee
    Kkimbee Posts: 16 Member
    It most definately can be done without a gym membership! You can get your cardio in by walking inside or out, work out dvds, etc. And get your weight resistance/strengh in by using your own body weight, light weight dumb bells, bands, etc. All of that combined with a healthy diet CAN work! Stay positive! Pray about it! Talk to supportive people!
  • dtownfb
    dtownfb Posts: 5 Member
    you're off to a great start by walking. If you have cable TV and On Demand, most cable companies offer workout videos free through On Demand. Do a Google search for bands and dumbbells. There are tons of exercises you can do in your living room, family room, basement with these items. Jump rope for 20 minutes followed by 30 minutes of 4.0 mph walk..... the weight will melt off.

    Good luck!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I personally much prefer working out at home. I've had gym memberships before, but generally ended up wasting money by not remaining committed to get out to the gym and/or classes (hence the weight gain ugh) . I prefer to exercise in the morinng, but if that doesn't work out I can fit my exercise whenever I get a few minutes at home, whereas if I had to go out to the gym, because of busy schedule I would likely not get there.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I have lost over 50lbs without setting one foot inside a gym. I walk at home on a treadmill or just around the neiborhood, I walk 1 mile during lunch at work as well. this has worked for me thus far. keep working hard at it! you are doing great.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I live out in the country and it just isn't feasible to drive a half hour to work out, then spend another 30 minutes in the car. I did purchase and eliptical machine last summer and have a treadmill from years ago. I have made up a circuit workout to do, and you could do a circuit without those things. Just do jumping jacks, high knees, jog in place, etc...be creative! I go for 10 minutes, then perform a lift such as bicep curls, jog in place for one minute, do squats, then when you come up, press the dumbells above your head, then one minute cardio, push-ups and tricep dips, so on and so forth. I made mine so that when I go through it twice, it takes about an hour and hits all muscle groups. Ask friends for old copies of magazines: Women's Health, Prevention, etc...all of them always have "tone this, shape that, get beach ready" articles with good moves to add into a circuit. Good luck!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I haven't had gym membership in 7 years, and I am fitter now than I was then. I run outside, and do aerobics and circuits classes in my local community centre.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The gym was great in the winter, but I haven't been there in almost two weeks now. No need when the weather's nice! Or even decent. :wink:
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I dont have a gym membership and I've lost 43 lbs so far. I use exercisetv on demand, workout dvds, and zumba wii most of the time. I only have some dumbells, a kettlebell, and my body.. it can be done as long as you're eating right and the exercise is extra :)
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    I dont go to a gym ... I think I'll do just fine at home!
    I'm currently doing some exercise videos ...
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    I use Dumbbells, a mini stationary bike, Jump rope cardio workouts and also I run daily ;) you can do it! keep on track!
  • I've just been walking my dog mostly and have lost 17lbs. Today, at a garage sale, I found a great exercise bike for $25.
    I have it in my living room tonight, and am having fun! I know I could even resell it for more than I bought it for when I'm
  • Never had time, money, or inclination for a Gym... totally unnecessary IMHO as well. Walk from home is a great one - I work at home and have NO time - so I workout all day when I can - IF I want a coffee - I must do 60 push up or a 2min plank or something. I do aprox 30 min walking each day - or mow the lawn - or walk to get the mail - or even park my car far from the store when I go shopping and walk around town (with the current gas prices this has added benefits!)

    Just got my bike tuned up for summer and I plan to make future trips to the bank and post office on that.

    It's easy with some life adjustments to fit in all you need - Everyone's different but for me what I eat makes MUCH more difference then working out anyway.

    Hope that helps - looks like lotsa good feedback here already.
  • coakes31
    coakes31 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone. I know it can be done, im down 28 lbs and have been on a healthy diet (as much as I can). Im going to keep at it and I know I will get there. Thanks for all the info and Im glad im not the only one out there that is also doing it at home and seeing progress. =)
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    There's so many ways to get creative without using a gym! There is Netflix, You Tube (a ton of exercise routines there); DVD's; I have a step (body step is intensive - check it out on You Tube); a balance ball; stretch cords; hand weights; two kettlebells; and a treadmill - although now that it's spring, I'm walking outside. Then there's gardening, jogging, intense house work; etc etc...

    You can do this!!!! and have fun!!!
  • heatherlh83
    heatherlh83 Posts: 76 Member
    I don't have a gym membership! I have trails near my house that I run sometimes and I do videos at home. Right now I'm doing p90x and I got that cheap off of craigslist.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    If you have some weights, bands and a jump rope, you have plenty to workout with. That is pretty much all you need for something like p90x or some other programs. I think you dont even need weights for insanity, but I may be wrong on that. The only other equipment I have for p90x is an exercise mat and a pull up bar. There is no need for a gym membership. I get a much better workout when all I have to do is go to the basement, rather than packing all my stuff up and driving somewhere...
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    You have everything you need. Gym's are soooooooooooooo overrated! I'm losing weight at home with no bulky equipment. I use DVD's (p90x is BRUTAL) hand weights, resistance bands or just the good ole outdoors, walk, run, jog whatever! The key is to get 60 minutes of heart pumping activity in a day. Good Luck!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Who needs a gym?

    I have lost 25 pounds using the Wii (Wii Fit / Zumba (LOVE that one!) and now EA Sports Plus -- but my biggest workout? Mowing the Lawn! Yep! Who knew that a lawn mower could be a girl's best friend? This is the only workout where I can burn > 1000 calories.
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    I hate the gym. I do Firm DVDs and run - even in the rain or the hot weather we had today here in Florida. I've lost 30 lbs since the first of the year just doing that and counting my calories via MFP. I don't think you need the gym at all. You can get cheap dvds on ebay if you want more variety in your workouts!
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