What should i knock off the scale..?

jesshall281 Posts: 219
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, i have a crappy scale at home that i hate using, so i use the nice, fancy electronic ones at the gym, thing is, i have to weigh myself at the end of the day (around 6pm-ish) what do you guys take off for a whole day of food/waste?

If it was the morning i wouldnt knock anything off, but because its so late in the day, im thinking take away 3lbs or so?

I know it all depends on when i last went to the loo, how much i ate etc, but just a rough figure of what YOU guys do would be great thanks :smile:

I also have no idea what forumn to post this in..


  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I never weigh myself at the end of the day, always first thing in the morning. Weighing yourself in the evening can mean huge variations in weight depending on water retention, what you ate, how often you went to the loo etc.

    I don't think you will get reliable results this way. Maybe other people can tell me different though?!
  • jesshall281
    jesshall281 Posts: 219
    i do agree with you, buts its the only time of day i can weigh myself, my scales at home are awful so i wont use them.....just wondered what other people do when they weigh themselves at similar times of the day
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I weigh myself on the same scale at the end of each day and at the beginning. I don't know why, just keeps me motivated, I guess. Every morning I am 1 - 1.5 pounds lighter than I was the previous evening.

    Hope that helps!
  • jesshall281
    jesshall281 Posts: 219
    yeah it does help, thats kind of what i wanted, a little guestimate! thanks :)
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    Well I've found that I can gain anywhere from 3-7 lbs over the course of the day. Mostly due to food and water I guess - I drink tons of water. In the long run, how many pounds different you are from the morning weight won't matter that much, it will be how much you lose over time. But you could probably safely say you weigh 3 lbs less overall.

    If it were me, I would just go by the evening weight and go from there. Use that as your starting point and then you'll know how much you've lost in the long run!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    My home scales were terrible too and I then weighed mself in the gym! Got a huge shock as I was at least 7lbs heavier than I thought I was :-( but at least I knew.

    I then got a new scales for at home and it matches the gym one. Could you get a new scales for at home? They don't cost that much.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    If that's the only time you weigh, don't knock anything off, just know it consistently will weight a little heavy.
  • emmaline8
    emmaline8 Posts: 70 Member
    For me, some day's it'll be up to 5lbs or as little as 2, so there's really no good way to tell. My suggestion would just be to not subtract any lbs but keep the time consistent.
  • jesshall281
    jesshall281 Posts: 219
    yeah, will definitley just keep the time consistent like a few suggested and know that im always a incy bit over. thanks guys
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