If you can remember approximately what you've eaten, log it anyway. Seeing that big red number helps put things into perspective. Say you went 1000 cals over - eat 100 cals under for 10 days, and you know you've put it behind you and you've made up for it!
Frame is important as well! I'm a small frame, so I've picked my goal weight at the very bottom of my ideal BMI range; people with medium or large frames will want to go higher!
4 eggs and beans is plenty of protein... I'd personally recommend some more carbs and fats.
If you've been in fat burning mode, you'll put on a few pounds when you start eating maintainence again because you'll replenish your glycogen supplies, etc. If the jump doesn't stop within 10 lbs it's probably not this and you've miscalculated your calories, but you know you can lose the weight if you need to so there's…
Long distance running/walking while eating at a deficit. Have you ever seen a marathon athlete with big legs? Edit: I think I got this from here:
Wow, this is amazing!!
One lb of weight loss is 3100 calories. You can work out for yourself how far you're behind ;)
All the celebrities either lie about their weights a bit or have it be completely made up by magazines. I'd go by measurements if they're available, or just add 5-10 to the figure they give.
I notice it in my chest and collarbone area first. I think the layer of fat covering my ribcage is the first to go, since I've already gone down a bra band size!
I get the pregnant belly look as well, and two things really help, apart from losing fat: 1. Posture. I now try to always stand with my abs and glutes tensed and my spine straight, and my belly sticks out a lot less! 2. Bloating. If I eat too much sodium, don't chew my food properly, drink too little water, or mess with my…
...I'll admit to staring a bit at people who are too fat to wear shorts, but I understand I'm in the minority when it comes to these things.
BMI is weight. Body fat % is composition.
30% is chubby, 35% is fat in my eyes. Unless they have an incredible amount of muscle, I generally consider anyone with a BMI of 25+ (23+ if they have a small frame like me) fat.
If you can do more than 10 it's probably time to up the weights. About 8 reps and 3-5 sets is ideal for an absolute beginner, and 5x5 is commonly accepted to be pretty good for someone who's able to do the exercise with proper form without much difficulty.
Squats make me gain quad faster than glute, which I didn't want. I'm doing single-leg glute bridges instead (might have to add weights soon), and I've noticed a difference within a month (I started with seriously underdeveloped glutes - I think it's a physiology thing with how I do squats, since I never feel anything in my…
Weigh and log EVERYTHING you eat. You'll probably find out how you managed to eat more than that amount, and what to cut out to stick to it! (Desserts and snacks are the two biggest culprits for me!)
Women back then probably didn't work out, so they probably filled out those measurements with mostly fat.
If you're scared of bulking your thigh muscles you should do more heavy weights fewer times, and fewer exercises where you're repeating the same movement lots and lots and lots, like the elliptical and spinning. Edit: Low reps high weight makes muscles bigger is just wrong. Low/medium weight high reps makes muscles bigger…
Thank you for posting these! You look incredible, and this is amazing motivation!
I think Karlie Kloss's body is spot on perfect. Lithe and lean like a dancer! (Though I'm gonna need dance classes to look like that...)
Nope, it's definitely improved mine! My OH is much faster and stronger than me and plays a lot more sport, but we're always really happy for each other's accomplishments, and it makes us respect each other more.
Thank you for this! I know VS uses loads of photoshop in their pictures, and it's interesting to see what they choose to alter! It's funny how they choose to add BF% by 'shopping away the abs and take it away by removing skin folds, creating a "impossibly smooth layer of fat" look...
I hate it when people bring this up. It's been pretty conclusively shown that the ONLY reason overweight people have lower mortality figures is because many kinds of illnesses make you waste away before you die!
Ahh fair enough. I wasn't taking height into account, since all I had were photos! I guess I said "size" when I should have said "proportions".
I'm not too up to date on modern celebrities, but if the names you mentioned in your original post are anything to go by, I still disagree with your point. Reese Witherspoon is pretty much the same size now as Marilyn Monroe was (both beautiful, and by no means tiny), Anne Hathaway is no smaller than Ava was, and Doris Day…
How are your measurements looking? You might be building muscle. If your measurements are going up as well, then you either need to revise your calorie total down a bit (since MFP's calculations aren't right for everyone!) or, if they're already quite low (1200 or less is what people normally say), eat more for a while…
That's quite rude to trans women who might not have one. Real women identify as women.
You were saying? There were plenty of slender celebrities in the last century, and there are plenty of large celebrities today. Aside from fashion models for a brief period in the last decade (they've got bigger again now), the ideal aesthetic hasn't got any smaller. We've just got bigger. (See vanity sizing!)
Good for you! I was like that with my weight gain too, needed my boyfriend to point it out before I realised it was too much. Sometimes when we're looking at ourselves in the mirror every day, we don't notice the changes... Now to get that to happen again, just with weight loss!
You should be able to lose weight without exercising by eating a bit less, so just log carefully. Then you can always get the muscles back once your knees recover. :)