trudieobrien Member


  • you've just been diagnosed, give it time for your body to adjust, I have had hypo for 30 years, be sure to check every 3 mos you may need to adjust dosage, mine fluctuates and then Dr adjusts dosage,
  • eggs r an excellent source of protein, BUT in moderation, they have 7 grams of fat and 70 cals, I eat 2 p week, soft boiled, you can eat more but then you have to watch your fat for that day
  • they may have to adjust your meds, I 've had hypothyroidism for 30 years and doing the calorie (1200) and exercise thing I am losing weight, so don't dispare and get your blood checked , good luck hon
  • well first of all u r doing fantastic, i'm watching you and my granddaughter with gr8 expectations, my splash is 1 Tbs of sugar free French vanilla coffeemate, and I have 4 every morning for 60 cals and 4 gr of fat, and I will not give it up. I gave up plenty already and this works in my plan, but measure ur splash in a…
  • I use SILK unsweeyened vanilla almond milk, 30 cals per cup and sugar free
  • use " NO SALT" it's sodium free and has lots of potassium
  • awesome, way to go, you r so right, we must stop beating up on our selves, if we blow it one day, move on, and start fresh the next, I have 60 to go but it's been very easy now that I have the tools, keep it up!!
  • hey ya'll I feel what your going thru, have dieted all my life and it never stuck, now I have found a fool proof way after going thru a pre-diabetes program for 16 weeks. IT'A ALL ABOUT THE FAT GRAMS, finally something made sense, fat gram are 9 calories if you stay within your fat gram goal you will lose weight, I was…
  • I just finished a 16 week pre-diabetes program. The first thing we were told is not to worry about your calories but keep close eye on fat grams and the calories will take care of themselves. I was allowed 50 grams of fat for my weight (240.6) when I dropped below 215 I had to lower my fat grams to 42. It has been amazing,…
  • Oh my dear girl, I am so proud of you, I have a 17 yr old grand-daughter who needs to do what you are doing, I am nearly 70 and I wish this program was available 20 yrs ago, I just want to say that you won't be in my shoes if you eat the right way now. I t is so much easier to maintain then to fix. I'm in a pre-diabetic…