Tracking Sugar Consumption

Hello All!

I was looking at my goals and was wondering how many of you track and keep a close eye on your sugar consumption? If you do, what are your daily sugar goals? I know everyone is different, but MFP recommended 24 g for me and I find that a little hard to stick to. But I don't know. Maybe I should be sticking to that lol. I would like to put the number up some, but not sure how much it will hinder my weight loss if I do. I am about 180 lbs, 5'2''.

Also, I know it is important to track all of the different areas (e.g., sugar, fat, protein, etc...), but which ones do you typically track the most. I am trying to move past just counting calories and be knowledgeable about the rest of the categories as well!


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I track my sugar and carbs fairly closely, but I do have blood sugar problems (not diabetic yet, but don't want to ever be there). If most of your sugar is coming from fresh fruit and you don't have any existing problems, don't worry too much about sugar.
  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197
    Okay, thank you! I think I am going to increase it a little bit and see how well I can stick to it!
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I don't have sugar problems but I do track and try not to go over my sugar allowance. When you exercise, you are allowed more sugar. I believe the daily max recommended sugar level is 50 and that is the max.

    You should be fine upping it a bit.
  • trudieobrien
    trudieobrien Posts: 10 Member
    I just finished a 16 week pre-diabetes program. The first thing we were told is not to worry about your calories but keep close eye on fat grams and the calories will take care of themselves. I was allowed 50 grams of fat for my weight (240.6) when I dropped below 215 I had to lower my fat grams to 42. It has been amazing, since feb 22 I have lost 36 lbs, I still eat my favorite foods but have modified them. Stir fry is the best, I'm a big eater and I can eat 2 full plates (mostly veggies) and stuff my self. We were told not to worry about the sugar in fruits and veggies (but don't go crazy and eat a pint of berries lol) It's the refined sugar that is the culprit and that includes honey. I have cut out nuts (16 grams fat in 1/4 cup) raisins,honey and avocados. Now I will eat them again in small portions when I reach my goal. Also crucial is to get in 150 mins a week activity, could be walking, running, swimming , just do something to burn calories, the reason people say they have hit a plateau is because as you lose you need less calories so you have to kick up your activities, a plateau is not a mysterious phenomena, but self imposed lol So go to it girl!!!
  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197
    I don't have sugar problems but I do track and try not to go over my sugar allowance. When you exercise, you are allowed more sugar. I believe the daily max recommended sugar level is 50 and that is the max.

    You should be fine upping it a bit.

    Okay. I don't have sugar problems either. And lately I have been in the gym about 5 days a week! I will up it a tad but not TOO much. Thanks for the advice!
  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197
    I just finished a 16 week pre-diabetes program. The first thing we were told is not to worry about your calories but keep close eye on fat grams and the calories will take care of themselves. I was allowed 50 grams of fat for my weight (240.6) when I dropped below 215 I had to lower my fat grams to 42. It has been amazing, since feb 22 I have lost 36 lbs, I still eat my favorite foods but have modified them. Stir fry is the best, I'm a big eater and I can eat 2 full plates (mostly veggies) and stuff my self. We were told not to worry about the sugar in fruits and veggies (but don't go crazy and eat a pint of berries lol) It's the refined sugar that is the culprit and that includes honey. I have cut out nuts (16 grams fat in 1/4 cup) raisins,honey and avocados. Now I will eat them again in small portions when I reach my goal. Also crucial is to get in 150 mins a week activity, could be walking, running, swimming , just do something to burn calories, the reason people say they have hit a plateau is because as you lose you need less calories so you have to kick up your activities, a plateau is not a mysterious phenomena, but self imposed lol So go to it girl!!!

    Wow! Thanks for this! I never really thought of it like this. I need to start looking at fat closer, too. I won't be so crucial about sugar but I still want to be careful if that makes sense. And I actually do get in a lot of activity. I go to the gym about 5 times a week so that part isn't an issue. & good thing I like stir fry! haha. :laugh:

    Thank you so much for the advice!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    MFP's recommendation is based on the American Heart Association's recommendation for ADDED/REFINED sugar. The recommendation is due to the fact that a lot of people drink soda like it's water and eat all kinds of processed **** with added sugars and high fructose corn syrup, substantially adding to the obesity epidemic.

    I keep my added sugars to a minimum and don't consume anything with high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient. I easily eat 2-3 servings of fruit per day, and it's not an issue. Really, if you don't have a medical reason for tracking sugar I wouldn't bother (i.e. diabetic, pre-diabetic, insulin resistant, etc). I would personally steer clear of high fructose corn syrup though...I'm convinced that your body doesn't know what to do with that ****, but that's just me and I don't have anything really scientific to back that up...I'm just convinced it's basically poison.
  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197
    MFP's recommendation is based on the American Heart Association's recommendation for ADDED/REFINED sugar. The recommendation is due to the fact that a lot of people drink soda like it's water and eat all kinds of processed **** with added sugars and high fructose corn syrup, substantially adding to the obesity epidemic.

    I keep my added sugars to a minimum and don't consume anything with high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient. I easily eat 2-3 servings of fruit per day, and it's not an issue. Really, if you don't have a medical reason for tracking sugar I wouldn't bother (i.e. diabetic, pre-diabetic, insulin resistant, etc). I would personally steer clear of high fructose corn syrup though...I'm convinced that your body doesn't know what to do with that ****, but that's just me and I don't have anything really scientific to back that up...I'm just convinced it's basically poison.

    Yes! I have recently been reading about HFCS and I think I will try and start steering away from that, too.

  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Hello All!

    I was looking at my goals and was wondering how many of you track and keep a close eye on your sugar consumption? If you do, what are your daily sugar goals? I know everyone is different, but MFP recommended 24 g for me and I find that a little hard to stick to. But I don't know. Maybe I should be sticking to that lol. I would like to put the number up some, but not sure how much it will hinder my weight loss if I do. I am about 180 lbs, 5'2''.

    Also, I know it is important to track all of the different areas (e.g., sugar, fat, protein, etc...), but which ones do you typically track the most. I am trying to move past just counting calories and be knowledgeable about the rest of the categories as well!
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Macros should be set accordingy to you specifically. Your sugar should be set specifically to you with regard to how many calories you are allowed. 24 grams of sugar is too low. That would be for a less than 1,000 calorie consumption.

    With regard to sugar, if there is a question as to whether to track it or not, try tracking it and sticking to that number for one week. Your answer will be right in front of you!

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    For me I consider sugar the most important nutrient to track. I follow South Beach guidelines and try to keep my sugar around 30g/day but I don't panic if I am over a little from lactose and fruit. I aim to keep my blood sugar even throughout the day and am hoping this will help prevent developing diabetes.
  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197
    Macros should be set accordingy to you specifically. Your sugar should be set specifically to you with regard to how many calories you are allowed. 24 grams of sugar is too low. That would be for a less than 1,000 calorie consumption.

    With regard to sugar, if there is a question as to whether to track it or not, try tracking it and sticking to that number for one week. Your answer will be right in front of you!

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group

    Thank you! Yes I have upped it since I posted this and have been sticking to it pretty well!
  • cathilc
    cathilc Posts: 8
    I am watching mine and am frustrated that I can't stay below but I think it is the fruit that does it. A banana almost puts me at the limit. So I started watching the other added sugar and not worried so much about a banana a yogart putting at limit.
    NOTLUPUS Posts: 32
    you have to be careful because MFP doesn't differentiate between unrefined and refined sugars. If I go by MFP the unrefined sugars in my protein shake+ fat free skim milk+apple put me over the limit of 45g of sugar a day but only total up to around 450 calories.

    The same goes with fats, there are good fats and bad fats. Fortunately MFP can and does track these as well as saturated fats (the bad kind) so its easier to see were you stand.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    If you do, you WILL lose... make sure your count beverages!!

    Don't overdue the fruit, if your sugar goes over and it is because of the fruit, don't worry too too much about it. Just try not to make it a habit.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    you have to be careful because MFP doesn't differentiate between unrefined and refined sugars. If I go by MFP the unrefined sugars in my protein shake+ fat free skim milk+apple put me over the limit of 45g of sugar a day but only total up to around 450 calories.

    The same goes with fats, there are good fats and bad fats. Fortunately MFP can and does track these as well as saturated fats (the bad kind) so its easier to see were you stand.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Lipton ice tea, for just one example, has just 100 calories. Guess how many grams of sugar?? 28 a calorie is NOT NOT NOT a calorie any more.

    Joanne Moniz