

  • Thats exactly why I some times eat them all back, and some times dont. It really gets confusing some times, but I just go by what feels right. If your cals to loose weight based on your bmr is 1666, then thats the number I'd shoot for, regardless of what MFP says. Eat back enough to hit that number for your total cals, and…
  • Great, thanks for all the replies... would have replied sooner, but I was doing my workout :P But yeah, I didn't start the thread to debate weather or not you SHOULD eat back exercise cals, I was just curious if MFP takes into account the calories you would have burned if you had done nothing at all. I love MFP.. I've lost…
  • I can't remember the exact thread it was in, but I read somewhere on one of the stickied threads on this board that it can take up to 8 weeks to restart a faltering metabolism. Some weight gain is even expected prior to the loss... Anybody have the link to that metabolism thread? Maybe thats the case here.
  • haha, I tried that.. but I dunno what the deal is. Cold is just physically UNBEARABLE to me. I wear my coat almost 24/7, even inside. If its under 70 or so, Im generally uncomfortable. WHen it gets freezing or below, all bets are off. I hate life in the winter.. just can't do it!
  • windsor, on
  • You need to practice better walking/exercising. You're brining too much impact on your legs, thus causing the problems. All you can do for them really, is take it easy on your legs, and let them heal. Once they're healed tho, try better to soften the impact your legs make w/ the ground. Not sure what exactly you did to…
  • Im doing P90 right now. Screw their 'Diet plan'. I've just been following the MFP calorie suggestions, and working out w/ power 90, and power 90 master series, and I'm down 25 lbs since Jan 1st, when i started.
  • How accurate are HRM's? I heard they're great for making sure you're in the 'zone', but I heard they're very unreliable as far as the models w/ the cal calculators go.. so I've been on the fence for buying one.
  • I suffer from sinusitis. I've tried every OTC and Prescription sinus medication there is. NONE worked to the point where I felt I could breath clearly through my nose. Then, one day I was randomly surfing the internet, and I came across a small little blurb on some random site with something they said works. Ill paraphrase…
  • p90X might not be for everybody.. certainly not me, yet... but the original Power 90 is a fantastic workout.. I'm currently doing it, and enjoying it. I'm not sure Ill ever be willing to dedicate a full hour+ to indoor exercise, but the time frame on power 90 suits me. So something to consider!