need ur advice- shin splints

a little concerned because i have been having problems with my legs...i might possibly have shin both of my shins...anyone ever had that issue before? what did u do


  • _Lisa_
    _Lisa_ Posts: 61
    you might need more supportive shoes and/or more calcium
  • Xenocat
    Xenocat Posts: 13
    You need to practice better walking/exercising. You're brining too much impact on your legs, thus causing the problems. All you can do for them really, is take it easy on your legs, and let them heal.

    Once they're healed tho, try better to soften the impact your legs make w/ the ground. Not sure what exactly you did to cause it, but I found getting proper walking shoes helped me a lot. (the heels are sloped, making a more natural motion)
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    YES!! Really really bad. I have some stretches a personal trainer sent to me...

    1. Quadricep stretch- grab foot and pull your heel towards your butt

    2. Hamstring and calf stretch- downward facing dog position

    3. Calf stretch pushing against a wall. Drop your heel and then bend your knee slightly.

    4. Glute stetch- seated, cross one leg over the other and pull that leg into your body

    Let me know if you have questions.
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    you might need more supportive shoes and/or more calcium

    Also go to a running store that will analyze your running form and recommend a good shoe that will work for you
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I did when I played softball. :sad:
    Rest and stretch worked for me and they THANKFULLY went away! R.I.C.E. method as well.
    Worst pain ever!
    Sometimes I can feel them to start coming back, but not nearly as bad.
    I also used one of those rubber band work out things to stretch out my shins and legs. Youtube has some videos on how to stretch them out. Good luck!!
  • sweetie89207
    thanks...those all sound just like what i need...i read about icing it and taking tylenol to lighten the im gonna try it all and hopefully it heals...thankfully its not super painful...and i have no idea what i just started hurting gradually over the past few weeks
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    I had this same problem. The first thing I did was went to a running shoe store, then they filmed me running on a treadmill in the shoes I had on. My feet were turning inwards, causing pressure on my shins. Having the proper shoes really does help!! Also I think it helps if you try to strengthen the surrounding muscles, calf raises and stuff like that. Stretching is also really important! I still get them if I am running super hard, and then I usually ice them immediately after and elevate them. Hope this helps and hope your shins get better :)
  • mehstewart
    If you have shin splints the best thing is rest, the stretches mentioned above are good, ice and ibuprophen (its better then tylenol for inflamation). If you are running, getting the proper shoes is good. But also what could be causing them is increasing your workout intensity too quickly, either your speed or distance. You should ease up on your workouts, and ice them after you run. Zensah compression sleeves also work :)

    Think RICE for all muscle/inflamation injuries - Rest Ice Compression Elevation

    Hope this helps
  • jerseyshorenurse
    jerseyshorenurse Posts: 47 Member
    I hate running, I mean I REALLY hate it, but every few years I get on this kick that I'm going to train myself into being a better runner and then I will like it more. Pffff. Still waiting for that to happen. Anyway, I have had some serious shin splints at times. Like total compartment syndrome PAIN. I've never succeeded in preventing them entirely, but I find I have the best results when I warm up well before I run with a good 10 to 15 minutes of walking, stretch, then run, walk to cool down, then stretch again. Once you have 'em though, you have to back off the intensity as soon as you have pain or it will just keep getting worse. And eventually, several weeks into training, I just stop having problems and can run like a normal person.
  • donnahoughton
    Hi. Yes. I have had them. I was training for a marathon and got plenty of them. It will hurt for awhile. What you need to warm up first before you go full force when working out. Start off with a warm up. Walk about 5 minutes before you go into a run (if that is what you are doing). Once you are done your exercise, stretch. This is very important. You cannot stretch cold muscles reason why you need to do it afterwards. I also used "icy hot" and wrapped with ace bandages. I got them so bad that I even did the "icy hot" before bedtime too. The good thing is "icy hot" comes in a roll-on. Needless to say, the warm-ups and the stretching works wonders. I haven't gotten them since I have added my warm-up to my routine. Good luck. It will get better soon. :flowerforyou: