Regarding the P90 master series....

Does anybody know the AVERAGE calories burned for doing the program? I'm getting ready to start it, but I can't find any info that I can use to put into MFP workout dealio.

The beachbody website says 400 for p90, and 600 for p90x, so I'm just gonna guess that p90m is about 500 cals average per workout...

anybody have anything definitive? I know it varies per person etc, I just need a base average to work into MFP.



  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I have the Master Series but haven't done it yet. I'm waiting to finish my round of Power 90. I burn about 450 for sculpt and 650 for sweat. I hope this helps :)
  • kyboy
    kyboy Posts: 6
    I'm doing P90 Masters Sculpt 5/6 and Sweat 5/6 right now. .

    On most days I'm above 500 for Sculpt 5-6. In the vicinity of 550 for Sweat 5/6 and Abripper 200 combined as one workout. I've gone slightly above 600 for Sculpt and Sweat on some days.

    I'm using a heart rate monitor, which helps me keep track and has been a motivating tool as well. Hey, I paid for it....... I better use it! Worth it to me.
  • Xenocat
    How accurate are HRM's? I heard they're great for making sure you're in the 'zone', but I heard they're very unreliable as far as the models w/ the cal calculators go.. so I've been on the fence for buying one.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I use a Polar FT4 and am quite pleased with it. I've read similar reports of inaccurate calorie counts but I figure something is better than nothing. The HRM gives much different readings than the ones listed here on MFP but at least the HRM is taking actual data from me and my effort. I figure I'll need to get more technical with it as I get closer to my goal but it works for now.
  • kyboy
    kyboy Posts: 6
    I'm using the Polar FT7, which was in-stock and on sale when I decided to pull the trigger on one, after reading good reviews on Polars. I don't think I use any functions that aren't available on the FT4 Brent is using.

    I have no idea how accurate the calorie burn information is, although it does keep track of my heart rate without dropping-out and the chest strap is comfortable.

    I entered my weight, age, etc. and let it do the rest. I feel like it is rather conservative when estimating how much percentage "juice" I have left in me when approaching the max heart-rate headroom I let it auto-program. But it is better than than nothing for me learning what "bring it" may mean.........and I figure if it is not accurate it at least the inaccuracies are likely consistent day to day. it does track my heart without missing a beat nearly 100% of the time in a given week.

    The total calories it says I burn are not always too far off what Myfitnesspal would estimate for cardio-workouts of the same duration if I just let it run from the time I start, until the time I finish........including any pauses I may do to adjust a weight , catch my breath, etc...........and I do use he pause button for both reasons. (I try to get past my "pause" before my heart rate drops significantly, so it does encourage me get back in the game quickly.) I log the Sculpt 5/6 as cardio so I can use the HRM calorie burn, as well.

    I'm finding it challenges me to get to the "fitness' range it displays........and rewards or punishes my efforts with some sort of number at the end of the workout. I like that feature. And it sometimes surprises me with a good number, even when I feel rotten........and vice versa. So, it is tracking what my heart is probably doing. On days I feel normal, my cal burn goes up when I "bring it", and down when I don't.

    Body Bugg, etc. apparently derive their numbers from more indicators than simply heart-rate. But, I'm pleased with my purchase for now. The cost was within range of what I could handle , and I'm new enough to all of this to enjoy playing with the tools......... and taking inspiration from wherever I can find it!
  • Tvstarbabe
    It depends on the workout. I do P90x and during some of the workouts I burn 400 and others up to 1000