

  • Today will be day 3 for me. I'm a little sore in my legs and chest, but it feels so good! I'm so happy you started this! It helps to have outside encouragement. I'll take some before pics and measurements, then the after! Can't wait for the results!
  • 2lbs!! WAY TO GO! I know it doen't seem like much, but 2lbs is a great loss. No matter where you look it up you will read that 2lbs is the max you should loose per week, in order to keep it off. If you keep it up you will reach your ultimate goal weight in 3mnths. So that would be November instead of Jan. I know it can be…
  • Fiber! Fiber!Fiber! Fiber is so good for you. It's one thing that REALLY fills me up and helps keep me at or under my calorie goal. I really like FiberOne original cereal. It's plain to the taste so if you need to sweeten it sprinkle some 0-cal sweetner on top. It may not be your favorite meal of the day but it will…
  • I LOVE the Merina! and yes, it is a little uncomfortable while being placed. As much as I recommend it, I do feel the need to say talk to your doctor about your options and what may be best for you.
  • I love Half a cup of low fat cottage cheese with a diced tomato. Sometimes I add Basil to it for more flavor!
  • I guess I murdered myself last night. :) I usually try to stay away from alcohol solely for that reason. But I will remember the peanut butter sandwich!
  • Sounds like I need to get some 'dry carbs' like toast or crackers in my stomach. Thanks ladies!!
  • Pot pie is pretty tasty, especially if it's homemade. Just be sure to use portion control. If you absolutely love it and have to have some more, then skip dessert. Usually it's made with veggies and some kind of meat. The calories, fat and carbs start to add up when crust and gravy are thrown in the mix(Which is 99% of the…
  • I think your right about the compliment thing. Maybe what he meant by strong was more like Queen LaTifa(sp) you know, in the 'I know I'm all woman' empowered kind of way... BUT no matter how he meant itand no matter what he said, if your feeling guilty you would have taken that as a slap in the face. Because it's one thing…
  • I have to agree with everyone else and tell you not to give up. I understand the anxiety that comes along with the weigh ins but one thing you need to remember is that this is not a quick fix...and it never is if you want to keep the weight off. I was working out religiously for about three weeks hoping for great results,…
  • This is EXACTLY how I eat it.
  • You can also buy instant 5min brown rice! Great stuff!!
  • High protein is good and it sounds like your not going WAY over. As long as you make sure your getting enough fiber to balance out the protein I think you'll be ok. Calories, sodium, sugar and carbs are the ones you really want to watch out for because those make you retain water and store fat.
  • I know you do with Swimming!
  • Pain is 'your body's way of telling you that something is wrong'. It may not be too serious right now, but I wouldn't wait for it to get to that point. If at all possible I would swap some of your high-impact(running) workouts for something that's just as effective but less aggressive (swimming).
  • The weight that people with Anorexia loose is not just fat. Because their body has no nutrition to feed it, the metabolism slow down and goes into 'starvation' mode. Because your body does not know when it's going to be fed, it starts to eat off the fat storage. Once that runs out your body attacks your muscles, hence the…
  • I have seen so much about this. It looks amazing! My friends cousin lost 60lbs in less then two months doing it. You can look it up on youtube to see what it's all about. I think the idea is to keep you moving, and you mainly use your own body as resistance. I have yet to try it but I can't wait till I do.
    in P90X? Comment by shanli January 2010
  • What if you make the salad with out the bread crumbs? Surely that would cut out a chunk of cals!