to high protein every time!!!

I never go over my goal number of calories but it seems i ALWAYS go over my goal number of protein by at least 10, sometimes even in the 20s. Is there anyway to get around this? I know a lot of low calorie foods are high in protein especially since i eat a lot of turkey, chicken and fish. But, are there any things to eat that are low in calories and low in protein? I usually eat egg whites or grape nuts with soy or skim milk for breakfast, then for lunch i have mixed greens salad with veggies and sometimes tilapia or chicken then for dinner i usually have some chicken and veggies or whole grain pasta, snacks i usually eat pears or oranges or blueberries.


  • shanli
    shanli Posts: 19
    High protein is good and it sounds like your not going WAY over. As long as you make sure your getting enough fiber to balance out the protein I think you'll be ok. Calories, sodium, sugar and carbs are the ones you really want to watch out for because those make you retain water and store fat.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I never go over my goal number of calories but it seems i ALWAYS go over my goal number of protein by at least 10, sometimes even in the 20s. Is there anyway to get around this? I know a lot of low calorie foods are high in protein especially since i eat a lot of turkey, chicken and fish. But, are there any things to eat that are low in calories and low in protein? I usually eat egg whites or grape nuts with soy or skim milk for breakfast, then for lunch i have mixed greens salad with veggies and sometimes tilapia or chicken then for dinner i usually have some chicken and veggies or whole grain pasta, snacks i usually eat pears or oranges or blueberries.

    Don't worry about it. MFP tends to go too low with their protein allowance. I still managed to lose most of the weight that I wanted to, and I was almost always over on protein. :wink: :smile:
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    You can change your %s of carbs/fats/proteins.

    I think originally they have everyone at 55/30/15 or something like that.

    I changed mine to 50/20/ now I don't go over and I'm eating less fat.
  • slr6df
    slr6df Posts: 2
    Thanks guys!!! :smile:
  • siobhannestor
    I agree with everyone else - protein is good. There is evidence that women who get over 90 grams a day actually are able to lose weight faster - I am always under in fat and carbs and over in protein and fiber...