I started the Couch to 10k over 3 weeks ago and I'm hooked already! I look forward to every run as it sets new goals and targets each time. I would definitely suggest this for anyone that's looking to get into running!
You're doing so well and shouldn't be disheartened by her loss - you look amazing and have put in all this hard work! If you don't carry on now you'll be in Mexico/Ibiza on the beach and thinking 'I could have tried harder' and will be wishing you did! Keep going - you're doing brilliantly!!!
Definitely the support of everyone! It's great doing exercise and getting encouragement once you've finished - makes you want to keep going!!
Bastille - Bad Blood. Brilliant song!
High waisted denim shorts with wellies for the summer festivals!
Amazing!!! Hats off to you!
I bloody love David Ginola!
A hunky motorcyclist with lots of tattoos
You look great!! Amazing work and shows that you can do it!! Brilliant!
Middlesbrough/Blackpool here! Feel free to add - need all the motivation I can get!!
I did the second day of week 1 today and it felt easier already! I felt like I could go a little bit faster on the running parts as I knew what to expect - love it! Although does anyone feel silly stopping and starting when running outside? I feel like people are looking at me like I'm stupid!
Amazing!! You've inspired me! :)
What apps do you all use and what do you like/dislike about them?
I think the WW plan and the idea behind the points system is a good one, providing you don't buy all of their rip-off junk products. There was an interesting documentary in the UK about WW and how the 'low fat' meals are actually full of rubbish. They compared Hagen Daaz vanilla ice cream ingredients (a total of 3 - cream,…
I brew 2 bags of Twinings green tea in a 500ml flask and then pop in the fridge. I'll drink it cold the next day to top up my water intake. It definitely helps clear my skin and makes me feel better!
Tried it tonight and it was brilliant! Really motivating and managed 30 mins with no trouble at ll!
Thanks both! Looking forward to getting started tonight!
Look amazing!!
Started today! 5ft 7 and 201!? Hoping to lose 60lbs over the next 5/6 months!
They normally just show you around the gym and show you how the machines work so you might want to take some water and a towel in case they ask you to go on whilst you try it! Which one are you joining!? ( I won't stalk I promise ! :p)
Congratulations on everyone's weight loss! Any tips that you can give me!?
Northeast UK! But hi to everyone in Nortern US too :)