

  • Great post! Thanks for sharing :)
  • Congratulations! Your dedication and hard work has paid off :)
  • Thank-you so much for posting that! It was great to see what people my height and my wieght look like. The mirror can lie! And even when I see pictures of myself I can be so critical! It's great to see a variety of people my height and weight. I think I have a better understand of what I look like now. Thanks again :)
  • Great Post! I couldn't agree with you more! Even though I am only 25 I love each new year that comes! More excitement, more adventures, more experiences and more memories to add to my already very memorable life :) I have a friend who has been complaining that "we're soooo old" since we turned 20 and it drives me crazy! I…
  • I totally now how you feel! I'll be soooo good all day at work and have planned what I will eat when I get home, but as soon as I get home I go crazy and eat everything in site! What I've started doing is when I get home I get changed and head straight to the gym. I find that when I get home I'm much more inclined to eat…
  • Congratulations on hitting your goal and sticking with it :)
  • Hey! I love food too! It's the hardest part for me for losing weight! I need to lose 25 pounds and looking for friends to help keep me motivated in the food department. I'd love cooking and have been trying to cook healthier meals. Would love to swap healthy cooking ideas! I joined myfitnesspal on my phone a while ago but…