EMQuinn52 Member


  • Any luck ladies? I'm starting carb cycling today with Chris Powell's book too! I'd love to be buddies as well if yall are still at it! :)
  • I'd love to join! 3/3 - 2.50miles walked via Fitbit 3/4 - 5.23miles walked via Fitbit total so far - 7.73 :)
  • I'm in!!!! I just started Day 1 today (Jan. 5th) so I'm a little behind y'all. Good luck to us!!! Check out Shredder Nation on Facebook too... Erin
  • Hello, just joined back to MFP and would love to join this Mini Challenge for October. I missed today, but am ready to start tomorrow morning! Good luck everyone!! E
  • I'd LOVE to do this challenge!! SW - 230.1 (Wednesday Feb 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1) Keep up the great work, everyone!!
  • Hello everyone!! I hope y'all are having a great day!! Today has been great for me!! The days I am stuck at home are always my best because I'm not out driving near FF restaurants hearing them call my name...or shopping at Target instead of Kroger just so I can stop at their cafe and get a HUGE soda (full-sugar, of course)…
  • Thanks Scott. When I calculate out the calories, I understand it really isn't that much (130 or so), but 1 serving is 1 tsp and I'm going through a big thing of cream more than once a week. Its $4.00 or so a bottle and my husband is on me for that. Although, now saying it out loud...I do at least make my own coffee and…
    in COFFEE Comment by EMQuinn52 August 2011
  • Oh my gosh!! I am the same way!! I use FF International Delight everyday at about 1/3 cup (!!) in my tall cup of coffee. I hate it any less sweet! I tried just giving it up, but I REALLY miss it during my "me" time in the am's before my kids get up and got the expected MAJOR migraines. I've tried almond milk with Splenda…
    in COFFEE Comment by EMQuinn52 August 2011
  • Thanks for letting me join Team 4 girls!! I'm SUPER excited!! I'd love to know who all is in our Team!! Also, do we have a set weigh-in day for this challenge? I've had a fairly good day (considering I HATE water, but have been getting better)!! I've had 3 of my 24oz water bottles today. So for me, 72 oz is outrageously…
  • Hey Teams 4, 5 & 6...would anyone allow me to join their teams??! Jackee said y'all had only 7 and that I should check with y'all about joining... I'd LOVE to join this challenge!! Please let me know!! I already started doing really well this week, so I am right there with y'all... THANK YOU!!!!
  • Hello!! I'd love to join y'all!! I stared WW back in November and lost 29lbs, THEN in March, life threw quite a few curve balls at me and I caved on my diet and workout schedule. (Surprise relocation of my husband and selling of our house to move across the country to join him months later with our 2 & 4yr olds) I've…
  • Hello!! I just joined here in hopes of boosting my past weighloss with Weight Watchers...which I am still doing, off and on. I lost 29lbs (goal of 80 total) and was doing great back in the beginning of the year on WW, then my family went through a huge relocation, which de-railed my weight loss and I've gain back some…
  • I joined WW 2 weeks before they rolled out the new plan. I lost about 29lbs in 4 months and then got word that my husband's job was relocating him immediately to Las Vegas from Dallas...which left me to attempt selling our house & dealing with everything for our 2& 4 yr old by myself. I know I could have tried harder and…