20D by Halloween Challenge: WEEK ONE



  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    End of day report! I had a healthy breakfast, and a BIG splurg-y lunch. Went to Mimi's Cafe with an out-of-town friend. I got the pancake breakfast. I just couldn't resist. Ended up tacking on about 1200 calories just in that meal alone. I am glad I had a healthy breakfast! Actually though, that meal has stuck with me all day and I am STILL full... probably in part from all the water I've been drinking today. I actually felt a little sick from it. When I eat really healthy, then have a day of not-so-healthy, it makes me feel really icky.

    I have had lots of water today but also had a mimosa! At least there was some orange juice in there. This definitely counts as my splurge day and I will be very mindful the rest of the week.

    Still haven't felt 100% so I haven't exercised yet this week except for a few crunches and stuff. I really want to start that couch to 5k program asap.

    Does anyone on team 6 want to start a team group on facebook? If we are all on there, that would be easy for us to motivate each other and check in. Here is good too!
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Checking in...did LOTS of bike riding and walking today! I was able to go for a nice ride this morning by myself before the kids got up. My eating could have been better but today was my birthday so I won't be to hard on myself lol
    Great job so far everyone...keep it up!
  • Hi everyone, day three was pretty good for me. I taught a kick butt spinning class this morning, then I strength trained chest and triceps. My water intake was good. My food choices were good except Chinese at lunch. I had tofu and sushi, resisted the egg roll and lomein, but I did put a hurting on some sushi ;) Lets have a great day tomorrow!!

    Go team 6!!!!

    (I talked to Jess, would love to get info for everyone else on team 6, thanks, look forward to this challenge with you all)
  • EMQuinn52
    EMQuinn52 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for letting me join Team 4 girls!! I'm SUPER excited!!

    I'd love to know who all is in our Team!! Also, do we have a set weigh-in day for this challenge?

    I've had a fairly good day (considering I HATE water, but have been getting better)!! I've had 3 of my 24oz water bottles today. So for me, 72 oz is outrageously good!! I've also stayed quite a bit under my calories and workout this am as well.
  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome EMQuinn621!

    I was under calories today with 1 hour of water aerobics.
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    What team can I join??? how do I join a team?

    Well I got back on track yesterday.. something hit me and made me realize that I need to do this again :) last Fall I did a 12 week program and had lost 24lbs... this summer.. I gained 14lbs back :(

    Now I need you people to kick me in the butt... I've never been in a group here and don't really know how they work but I need all the support I can get :)
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Morning and welcome EMQuinn621to the team!

    Feeling stiff after that Spinning class, so I decided to take aqua aerobics instead today. If I would've taken the body works class, my body would feel worse that it did before.

    In the meantime, I'm gonna enjoy my smoothie with extra blueberries added, then figure out what to have for lunch.
  • MiaPM
    MiaPM Posts: 6
    Hi I believe I am also on team four...I have never been a part of a team challenge on MFP and I am interested in knowing what to do next. Please advise...Thanks
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206
    Today was a very busy day! Never got a work out in but I did play basketball with my kids and I enjoyed it so much and I did some heavy cleaning ( i just didnt log it in) ! Still having to go for my walk later with my husband :) I still have a few hours left and I already drank my 8 cups of water and under my calorie count by 111.

    Getting kind of worried about my up coming weigh in on Tuesday, but still very excited because its been a long two weeks!

    Julieash youc an join team 3 if you would like.

    Go team 3!! Hope everyone else had a good day as well.
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Woke up so so so sore from my dual workout yesterday, can barely walk! Also ended up picking up OT at work, so I'm gonna be in the neighborhood of 300 calories over for the day since I couldn't get a real workout in. :sad: Days like this always get me so discouraged!!!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Woke up so so so sore from my dual workout yesterday, can barely walk! Also ended up picking up OT at work, so I'm gonna be in the neighborhood of 300 calories over for the day since I couldn't get a real workout in. :sad: Days like this always get me so discouraged!!!

    Aww don't be. I felt that way this morning but go through it. And if this makes you feel better, I had one of those Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches... for lunch! Did not suit well with my stomach, esp. when you haven't had much processed food in your diet for 6 weeks.

    Anyway, that birthday cake looks yummy but if I have a piece, I'll go over my net calories so I'll pass. I do, however, have to watch my net fat because it went over by a bit.
  • EMQuinn52
    EMQuinn52 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone!! I hope y'all are having a great day!!

    Today has been great for me!! The days I am stuck at home are always my best because I'm not out driving near FF restaurants hearing them call my name...or shopping at Target instead of Kroger just so I can stop at their cafe and get a HUGE soda (full-sugar, of course)

    And the 112 degrees (!!) here in Vegas today is responsible for my hibernation :)

    So now that y'all see my demons...lol...onto today...

    I've stayed quite a bit under my goal for today...so much so that the red print yelled at me when I tried to "complete" my meals for the day. So I added some grapes on that I'll have tonight after the kids go to bed.

    I've already had 7 glasses of water today and its only 4:30pm, and I'm super proud of that. I'm not very (AT ALL) "regular", if I may, so I'm REALLY hoping this extra water & better eating (++fiber) will help out. It has to, right?!?!

    I also worked out this am. Not as hard as I would have liked, but 350cals are 350cals. So I'm good with it.

    I'm trying my best to remember this:

    The taste of that food (whichever I shouldn't be having) is NOT greater than how uncomfortable I feel in my skin.

    Also, back when I used to attend WW meetings, my leader once said (in reference to blowing your whole day just because you ate one bad thing) - If you ran a red light on your way to work one morning, would you then say "screw it" and run the rest of them? Or would you shake it off, and stop at the next one? SO TRUE!

    GO TEAM 4!!!!!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    So I decided to eat a little more. Don't worry, it's not the cake!

    Just made some grilled zucchini with olive oil! Plus another bottle of water (which now adds up to 12 cups).

    And I still didn't go over but 100+ calories left is better than 200+ calories left.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I want to give this one a try..If i stay really focused, and stay positive, I believe i can lose 20, which will bring me down to 159lbs. My GW is 140, so it's not too far off! :bigsmile:

    My only current struggle is food binges. I have my good and bad days.

    I usually weigh in on Mondays, if thats ok.

    Feel free to add me, or stick me on whatever team! Or i can go solo, and just report in my weight and/or how my days are. :smile:
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Took a walk on my lunch break even though it hurt and now my leg muscles are twitching. Burned off 164 calories so I'll only be over in the neighborhood of 220 for the day instead of 340. Still wishing I would have had a better day, but oh well. Not every day can be a winner I guess.
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Took a walk on my lunch break even though it hurt and now my leg muscles are twitching. Burned off 164 calories so I'll only be over in the neighborhood of 220 for the day instead of 340. Still wishing I would have had a better day, but oh well. Not every day can be a winner I guess.

    There's always tomorrow! :smooched:
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Suzanne, sounds like we weigh the same and have the same goal weight, so we should be motivational buddies even though we're not on the same team. And we could help each other lose those last few after this challenge is over!

    Today was a pretty good day. Had lots of water, just kept refilling my cup all day. I ate pretty well, actually eating a snack because I only have about 1,000 calories in and need to make sure I make my goal. Don't want any starvation mode happening here! I am so glad I finally understand how all of that works.

    Hope everyone else had a great day!!

    Jackie, someone had mentioned having a regular weigh-in day. I'm sure you have that covered with the weekly topics and goals and stuff!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    This week has been good for me. I've gone to the gym every day. And my biggest moment was yesterday, instead of openign up a bottle of wine because I was upset, I just went for a run. That felt so much better!

    But on a sad note, I have to switch trainers because mine is leaving next week. So sad because I'm almost at a 50 pound loss. My goal is to drop these 2 pounds in the next week so we can share that goal.
  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    Ate extra today but was under calories due to an hour of water aerobics. Hope to make better food choices tomorrow.

    Everyone is doing great, keep up the good work!
  • jeanie✰
    jeanie✰ Posts: 127
    Team ONE! I'm down 3lbs from when we started =] YAY! It isn't 3lbs total from starting MFP...I totally gained some back. BUT NOT NOW!