aLatz13 Member


  • I vote the black one, it's classic and classy and you look amazing in it! (Although you look amazing in all of them!!!) White/off-white isn't usually appropriate for weddings and the pink one seems a bit too summer-y considering it's already mid-September so I vote the black. Plus I think you'd be most likely to wear it…
  • wow, that is an amazing difference! You look great!!!
  • I like to weigh in naked so i usually wait until right before my post-run shower (since i typically sleep in my run clothes to save time in the mornings lol). i also don't hydrate too much before my run and i sweat a lot so i feel like that evens itself out. I also don't eat too much before i run because i usually only do…
  • You guys are all awesome! I dont have any before/after pics yet, my self esteem and body image were too terrible to be able to handle having any pics of myself when i was heavier. I Even had trouble admitting on MFP what my SW was for a while, but the when i saw results i started to become proud of my weight cause i knew…
  • Anyone?
  • up by .8 lbs, goes to show what two weeks of no exercising will do to you.
  • 128.8, which is exactly what I was last week. I was a terrible eater last week, and even though this week is going to SUUUUCK I'm going to focus on not giving in to my munchies as much. I also only ran once last week, so I'll see if i can fix that this week. WE CAN DO THIS GUYS!!!!!
  • hey guys, sorry i'm late this week. 129.0 according to my bathroom scale, but i'm not really sure how trustworthy it is. I'll take it though, last week was TOM so it makes sense that i'll have slimmed down this week right?
  • i'm living close to campus this year and therefore need to walk to all my classes, so i tracked it out and BOOM i had walked 3 miles yesterday. LOVE it.
  • 132.5 today! Will have to wait to take measurements though
  • I eat them. my weight loss has been pretty slow, but if i dont eat most of them back i go crazy and wake up STARVING the next day. you have to make sure you stay sane or you're not really going to stick with it. The way I see it, if it takes a while for me to lose it, it becomes more of a lifestyle change and is therefore…
  • Haven't been able to weigh in (i'm at home and my mom threw away her scale years ago) but I'm doing very well with my eating despite all of the temptations with being at home and going out to eat with friends. Last week i got in a total of 10 miles of exercising and i was able to squeeze in a 3 mile run, a canoe trip, and…
  • couldnt weigh in (im at home and my mom threw out her bathroom scale years ago), and haven't taken pictures yet, but i DID get in three miles last week! and have been a pretty good eater despite all of the being at home temptations. Classes start for me on monday AND i'm going to start my half marathon training!
  • Good morning everyone!!! since i've been lousy about checking in, here's what i've been up to since i've been home: wednesday - ran 4 miles with my brother, walked with a friend at the park, and walked with another friend to go get a beer (total: 5 miles, and still under calorie goal) thursday - met up with a friend at the…
  • ran 4 miles yesterday and did a half mile walk with a friend and another half mile walk to dinner last night, then today i did a mile on the treadmill after some lifting so 6 miles down 4 miles to go before challenge defeated :) I plan on knocking out another 4 tomorrow morning with my brother, I love that he wants to work…
  • Hi everyone! I havent been checking in because i've been in the moving process, so my eating habits have been horrible but at least moving boxes counts as exercise :) Anyway, I'm settled back in at school and am visiting my family at home this week so hopefully i'll be able to get exercise in again (even if my eating…
  • Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been able to weigh in this week - i've been moving back to school so I'm living in chaos right now. Today was the first day i've gotten to go for a run (4 miles) and eaten within my calorie limit so I'm getting back on the bandwagon!
  • that is awesome!!! doesn't that feel great?
  • You may not have aspirations in retail, but it sounds like you want to incorporate fitness into everything that you do. Make sure if you do go through with the interview, you tell them that you're passionate about fitness and that you aspire to do more than retail, are interested in management opportunities, etc. Good…
  • So I feel like this week was doomed from the start due to TOM and moving. I did go for another run this morning (4 miles!) and hopefully when i make the drive from the east coast to the midwest I dont make horrible eating choices. I probably wont be able to check in for a few days, just log my food from my phone so…
  • also i LOVE everyone's banners :)
  • Had to take my car to the shop yesterday morning so i couldn't weigh myself on the gym scale. Weighed in this morning at 135 pounds so i guess that's a decent start
  • July 25th: 133lbs Aug 2nd: 135lbs I had a gain, which is frustrating because I worked out every day except Sunday and yesterday, and was right around my calorie goal for the most part (saturday I was actually way under)... I'm going to try not to get too down about it, I hear it's normal to gain a few pounds during TOM…
  • Back was feeling much better today after a lot of ice and advil yesterday, so i went into the city to run along the river which was REALLY nice, did 4.3 miles at about 10 minutes per mile. Last night i didnt do so well with the eating, my TOM is coming up and its making staying under calories VERY difficult because i'm…
  • Hey everyone, I'm Ashley and I'm a 21 year old Mechanical Engineering major. I've spent the last 7 months doing a co-op (I'm on a 5 year program which is 4 years of school mixed in with 20 months of work rotations). When I started this last co-op I decided to get serious about losing all of my college weight, so I joined…
  • I had the same problem when I started too. I'd eat a fruit on bottom yogurt and a cinnamon raisin bagel and be WAY over. Switched to plain bagels and "diet" yogurts and was fine. Watch out for Instant oatmeal too - Quaker is a terrible culprit of putting in 20g of sugars! When choosing cereals, yogurts, oatmeal, cookies,…
  • Went to the gym this morning. did 17 minutes of interval training on the elliptical and then proceeded to do the "Super Set plus Cardio" weight training circuit from Women's Health, but during the 3rd set of exercises I tweaked something in my lower back and decided it would be best to stop for the day. half an hour of…
  • If there's still room I'm in! I'm going to focus on maintaining my weight next semester, I just spent the last 7 months trying to lose 14 pounds, I dont want to gain it all back. Staying active, eating right, but still focusing on my studies I'm 5'5", 133lbs, GW 125 lbs, and in my 4th year at a university studying…
  • went for a 4 mile run this morning. My coworker couldnt go with me today, so I got to run through my town and around our pond which was GORGEOUS with the mist coming off it in the morning. I know it's corny, but "its a wonderful world" started playing on my pandora station and it was pretty beautiful. Hope I eat a little…
  • Day 3 Overslept a little so I only got about 40 minutes in today. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer and then I did 25 minutes of weight training (Women's Health "Last Minute Beach Body" workout) Yesterday I was under my calories, I tried to eat more because I had a horrible headache and had a feeling it was…