

  • So maybe I should try the diet but add a few things in there just so my body doesn't get shocked or anything for the small amount of food? And I actually made dinner by a recipe book and it was suppose to be enough for 4 servings. Yet it seemed just enough for 3 people. So, I guess I could say I eat a 1 1/2 servings. I…
  • It just sucks because I feel like I should be eating out of a measuring cup..
  • Uh, no. Unfortunately I have no license and live a good hour and a half from my friends and family. And I don't eat proper meals. I end up doing a lot of snacking throughout the day. Or some times I only eat a meal a day. I feel like because I have no job and no proper schedule I'm unorganized and lazy. I go to bed when I…
  • I guess I should have mentioned that I'm 19 and roughly 40lbs over weight. I've had no desire for exercise. I have a horrible way of taking care of myself and I know that ten years down the road, I don't want to live the way I'm living now. So I wasn't making an excuse for myself, I just wanted to know what would be good…
  • I honestly don't know where to start. I don't really know what healthy food I need to eat. And I don't know what kind of exercises I should be starting out with.
  • I'm 18 1/2 years old I am 5'7 I weight 189lbs I don't think I burn anything because I don't know where to start with exercise except for walking a little bit a calories are around 900 a day. My goal is to lose 40lbs by my birthday (November). I know that 40lbs may not be healthy for my body type. I have very big…
  • Thank you all so much. I really do appreciate it. I'm hoping to lose my 40lbs by my birthday (which is November) I've always hated exercise. And not so much exercise but more so sweating. I just got a job, so going to the gym won't be for a while yet. Is there any at home exercises I can do? I don't have weights, but I…
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