Financially prepared?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    you just need to be mentally prepared. as in, ready to stop making excuses
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Not at all, agreed that if anything it's the opposite! Top reasons:

    1. Counting calories makes you eat at home more, since it's easier to count calories and easier to eat lower cal.

    2. You eat less, you pay less! If you go out to eat, one dish is now two meals to fit your calories. Or you order less to fit your cals. Or at home, you buy less food to meet your cals. I didn't expect to notice a difference in how much food I needed to buy when I counted calories (hey, I wasn't eating that much to start off with, right?), but I really did notice a difference. You don't overconsume, you pay less, as long as you're not wasting food.

    3. Eating healthy *can be* expensive, but it can also be cheaper than eating junk, it just depends on how you do it. Bananas, rice, beans = cheap. Veggies/fruits from the farmer's market, side of the road, in season, or in a grocery that sells cheaper produce (like in lower income areas, or groceries that sell produce that has to be eaten right then, at a discount) - all cheaper. I made microwaved potato chips from a potato the other day - no oil, just potato + salt = much cheaper than chips! Oatmeal bought in bulk is much cheaper than any other packaged breakfasts (cereal, pop tarts, granola bars, whatever). Eggs are mondo cheap protein. Etc.
  • u_mad_bro
    u_mad_bro Posts: 42 Member
    No. you need to eat less.
    Pushups are free. Burpees are free. The internet is full of resources. Running will only cost you a pair of shoes.
    Stop trying to find reasons why you can't do it now.

    Save money. Run barefoot. :bigsmile:

    Or that. Except I'd imagine it would be pretty bad for your joints?
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Another reason it helps financially:

    You start making fitness dates! I've started asking my friends to join me for runs, fitness videos, biking, hiking, etc - almost all FREE! Much cheaper than going out to lunch/dinner/drinks all the time.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    how old are you?
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I actually see my grocery bill go up significantly... when I'm eating healthier food the cals are lower meaning I have to eat more than I was originally especially on workout days... I wasn't much of a junk food person to begin with, but when you start replacing this and that with healthier choices it leaves more room in the calorie range which for me led to a higher food bill :p
  • samshinequinlan
    I guess I should have mentioned that I'm 19 and roughly 40lbs over weight. I've had no desire for exercise. I have a horrible way of taking care of myself and I know that ten years down the road, I don't want to live the way I'm living now. So I wasn't making an excuse for myself, I just wanted to know what would be good to start eating to help lose some weight and what would also be good for exercise..
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    What are you buying that's so expensive? If you're really on a budget than I recommend buying eggs, frozen chicken breast, bread, and turkey for sandwiches.
  • kitza101
    kitza101 Posts: 99 Member
    For me the biggest (but happy!) expense has been buying clothes that fit me as I lost weight. But I'm glad to be in that dilemma!! And you can find really nice clothes at op shops (or thrift shops or second-hand clothing shops, whatever they are called where you come from!), if you are looking to save money as you continue losing weight to reach your goal.

    I joined a gym too, and that is expensive, but that is not necessary to lose weight. I just wanted to, for a range of reasons. The outside world is full of exercise opportunities, for free! I lost 24 kg just by eating well and walking every day, and that has not cost me any more than when I wasn't logging what I ate and wasn't walking.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Eat less, do more. You can buy "healthy" foods or you can just eat less of whatever you eat. Start tracking what you eat on here and work on making better choices and watching portion control. Walking is free, there's lots of fitness workouts online or you can buy DVD's for $10 or less to do at home. If you don't want to wait, then don't wait. Start making better choices right now.
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    Don't wait anymore! Start now!!! Set goals, get moving, log doesn't have to cost a thing! You don't need anything but a positive attitude!!! :)
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    Eat lots of fresh veggies and fruits. Try to avoid processed foods as much as possible.
    As for exercise.....just get moving. Go for walks, dance around your living room.... The more you do the easier it will become.
  • gsdz4me
    gsdz4me Posts: 66 Member
    I guess I should have mentioned that I'm 19 and roughly 40lbs over weight. I've had no desire for exercise. I have a horrible way of taking care of myself and I know that ten years down the road, I don't want to live the way I'm living now. So I wasn't making an excuse for myself, I just wanted to know what would be good to start eating to help lose some weight and what would also be good for exercise..
    Logging everything and see how you can change. in some cases it is a matter of portion size. Do you have a dog or know of someone who has a dog that I am sure would love getting out and walking with you.
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    You joined in March and haven't done anything yet?
    If you had filled out your profile, started logging your food, paid attention to what the numbers add up to, you could have lost at MINIMUM 6-10 pounds by now. Many people have lost 20-30 pounds since March.

    This site is FREE
    Walking is FREE
    You have to eat anyway, just eat less of what you are already eating and SAVE MONEY.

  • samshinequinlan
    Uh, no. Unfortunately I have no license and live a good hour and a half from my friends and family. And I don't eat proper meals. I end up doing a lot of snacking throughout the day. Or some times I only eat a meal a day. I feel like because I have no job and no proper schedule I'm unorganized and lazy. I go to bed when I feel like it, I wake up when I feel like it. It's not healthy in the slightest bit. So for now I guess I'll just do my best to log in every day of what I eat, drink more water and try and go for a walk for half an hour.
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    I know what it is like to have absolutely no money and yes purchasing good food can cost a little bit will not be wasting money on eating out or eating as much. Your social life will change because you will want to workout and take a walk instead of meeting someone at a Look at sales on lean meats and fresh produce. Did I mention you will be eating less. You got this!!!! In the end you could easily save money and feel great about yourself.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    Try reading the book, "You on a Diet." Before when I knew absolutely nothing about weight loss it really explained things in detail. Especially the important things you need to know. Some of it you can take with a grain of salt, but if you're starting from the very bottom of the healthy totem pole it could at least give you some insight to start. There is so much weight loss mumbo jumbo out there, this book sticks to the facts and provides some great info. Good luck & add me if you'd like!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Uh, no. Unfortunately I have no license and live a good hour and a half from my friends and family. And I don't eat proper meals. I end up doing a lot of snacking throughout the day. Or some times I only eat a meal a day. I feel like because I have no job and no proper schedule I'm unorganized and lazy. I go to bed when I feel like it, I wake up when I feel like it. It's not healthy in the slightest bit. So for now I guess I'll just do my best to log in every day of what I eat, drink more water and try and go for a walk for half an hour.

    You can still lose weight while waking up/going to bed when you want to. I like my sleep, and tend to sleep in when I don't have to be up. Just tell yourself that no matter what, you're going to go for that walk. Find ways to make your water tasty. Buy some fresh or frozen fruit, put it in a bottle with some water, let it sit for a day or two in the fridge, and you have natural fruit flavored water :)