davisle4 Member


  • In my experience coffee is not the enemy. However, those who drink coffee do so for a reason. They are over tired (from not sleeping well) and under pressure or "stressed" from life, jobs, kids, family and so they drink coffee. Sure, if you load your morning cup up with sugar and cream it will make you gain weight, but…
    in Coffee. Comment by davisle4 April 2011
  • "Outing yourself" is the best thing for you right now. Food is not your friend! It may be comforting now, but results of overeating leave you feeling alienated from who you really are, others around you, and who you want to be. Any of this hitting home? Step 1: Get a journal. This journal should serve two purposes. Purpose…
  • Welcome to the site. I'm pretty new too. Its a great place to find support and keep you responsible for what you eat. Good luck to you!
  • I second Dave. Wall squats are the best for the bottom. It can be difficult, but thats how you know its working. Just take your time and pack on the reps. Good luck!
    in Help! Comment by davisle4 January 2011
  • This is a great site. I've only been here for 3 days, but I feel like it holds me to be accountable for what I put in my body. I think of eating something that I shouldn't and I automatically think of how it will feel to see those horrible red numbers at the bottom of my food intake chart. If you ever feel like you need…