Hello I'm new

Hi, my name is Laura and I just joined the site. I am an artist and an administrative assistant, both of which are really sedentary activities. I was at my highest weight (242 pounds) when I joined this site at the end of January, and now I have lost 6 pounds and 2 inches on my waist in one week.

I have been sedentary for most of my teens and twenties and now as I move toward thirty I would like to change that. I have been walking and working out almost everyday since the beginning of the new year and it feels good.

I can see how the food and exercise diary features are keeping me accountable to my goals and helping me lose weight at a healthy rate. I am encouraged when I read your stories and I am sympathetic when I read these stories of struggle with weight. It is not easy, but we are changing our bodies and our lifestyles, one day, and one meal at a time.

Good luck to everyone in their goals,



  • davisle4
    davisle4 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome to the site. I'm pretty new too. Its a great place to find support and keep you responsible for what you eat. Good luck to you!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Just one word of warning... exercise and feeling good is addicting!!!! I know, that's a good thing, but I start to feel strange if I go two days without a great workout!!!! Good luck on your journey, I too was a couch potato most of my life and last year, at age 38, ran not only my first mile, but my first (and second) 5k!!!! May will be one year since I started running and I'm celebrating with a 10k!!!!!! Like I said... and addiction, but a good one!