New--and want support!! :)

Hi Everyone,

I'm new today and so far I love it here! I am currently on a mission to lose 30 pounds. I need as much support as possible because motivation is key when it comes to losing weight! I would love to have a lot of friends so we can encourage each other! Don't hesitate to ask me to be your friend. I'm so stoaked and excited to lose this weight!!!! :)



  • patrickobrien01
    Best of Luck! You can do it!!!

  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    Hi Meredith! You can do it! I will friend you and we can support each other :) I am looking to lose about 20 pounds and I am determined this time to finally make it happen!
  • davisle4
    davisle4 Posts: 5 Member
    This is a great site. I've only been here for 3 days, but I feel like it holds me to be accountable for what I put in my body. I think of eating something that I shouldn't and I automatically think of how it will feel to see those horrible red numbers at the bottom of my food intake chart. If you ever feel like you need some added support, don't hesitate to ask! I wish you luck. 30 pounds and you'll look like a completely different person!
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome, I'm sure you will love it. Just check in everything you eat (really everything) and all exercise you do. This is the second time I start at MFP. My sabotage at the first time I started was not to log everything and not to log everyday. I would suggest you do not make the same mistake I did at my first trial.

    Well, this time it is working very well for me, I already lost around 14lbs in 3 months, but I workout very hard 6 times a week.

    Sorry for my english...and good luck!
  • gsg37
    gsg37 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, welcome to Fitness Pal. This is a great site for motivation and encouragement. I have about 30-40 pounds to lose myself and still have a long way to go. Feel free to add me as a friend for encouragement! Good luck to you, stay focused!!