

  • DISCLAIMER: Subject matter of a GRAPHIC nature! I apologize for anyone who might be offended. My boyfriend (who has been so supportive when our grocery shopping together takes twice as long because I stop to read every label) sent me this link. I thought it was pretty funny. Calories burned during sex:…
  • Good for you! Making that decision to change is the first step! We're all here for support :)
  • Bikram is amazing. If you like yoga- try bikram! It's my new favorite thing! You feel so muh more flexible!
  • Don't feel discouraged! Do you feel good about how this past week went? Are you feeling better about yourself? That is really all that matters. We all have our down times and tomorrow is a new week!
  • First of all- Good luck!! Second- give us all an update! I lost 3 lbs and 1 inch from my waist this week! Woo-hoo! I know it's mostly water weight (only my second week in) but it still feels great! How well did you do? How do you feel? Em
  • I love this topic, hehe! Today was my first day doing Bikram Yoga (hot yoga)! There is a place right down the street from me but I haven't been able to afford to go until now. I also thought I would hate the heat but your body adjusts very quickly by sweating and it feels SO GOOD when you're done! Yay! Today I burned 885…
  • Hi All! I am interested in purchasing a Heart Rate Montior watch, preferably under $75, but I'm not sure which one to get. I have pretty small wrists (6 in around) so I want one that won't be too bulky. As far as chest straps go, I guess I wouldn't mind one that is pretty comfortable, only because I have read that the…
  • Warning: Long Venting Post Ahead! hehe In my attempt to live a healthier lifestyle (and shed some extra pounds in the process) I have been trying to watch what I put into my body by reading labels and knowing what the information means (researching chemicals, etc) and the different effects on the body. During all of my…
  • Hi, I'm new to this site but I think (from the instructions/descriptions) that MFP is recommending 1200 cal/day AFTER EXERCISE. So you should actually consume much more than that. I have found that if I ate 1200 cal and then I burned 100 cal while exercising, it tells me I have "earned" 100 calories. It is confusing…