

  • Oh my gosh! Faster, noooooo What about if you hit a plateau or you body started changing shaped because of exercise. I am down a dress size and lost only 3 pounds. This is for life - no this month Smile. Good job, tj
  • Tough topic - I weigh myself when my cloths feel loose and I am not on my period. That is just me.
  • Breakfast cereal bloats! Especially porridge or oatmeal. No No No
  • OK, I finally gave in to Beeno for the gassy part...drink lots of water and well if you think doing some kind of restrictive diet will set you off to eat more than do not do it. Oh, also, raw vegetables and brown rice will bloat you and give you gas. So cook things, lightly (steam). Fruits cleanse and are easy on the…
  • Wow, we hear this a lot with new-comers. Yes, 35 days is a newcomer. After over a year here, the exercise really set in - changed how I feel and gave me the spirit to just live this way. Feeling better and doing what is right, not every day... Do not sweat the 1/2 pound. Think about it .5 pounds - how do you feel...
  • When I hit one forty I started crying...I am turning 50 this year and I look around at middle age ladies wobbling around. I know I can not stop the again process, but I think I can zip up the food hole. Yes, my goal is 119. But, I had been thinner than that due to illness and yes people thought I had AIDES (not…
  • That me! I love being 119 for the brief time I was there, but strangers thought that I had Aides and was dieting. On the bright side - 125- 129 is fine with me, but it always seems to turn into 140 again. Maybe I should try the low 130's. I am at 142 now +1, but I do feel better with the cardio. Look forward being MFP
  • Carbs before - even the night before. Better fruit for the energy! Protein bar, protein shake, yogurt after...your body is looking for protein to sustain muscle health after a work-out. If I do not to the quick bar, shake, or yogurt - I go on a feeding binge. It really helps!
  • Oh my gosh, you are trying too hard. When I started this, I just ate as I was accustomed to. I found out that I could eat the same way with some portion control and splurges here and there. MFP lets you adjust your meal groupings to match your life style - it is not just: meal, snack, meal, snack... Finally, when you had…
  • Oh my gosh, you are trying too hard. When I started this, I just ate as I was accustomed to. I found out that I could eat the same way with some portion control and splurges here and there. You can adjust you meal groupings to match your life style - it is not just: meal, snack, meal, snack... Finally, when you had in the…
  • Well, the friends that I have randomly found, seem to do a lot of card. In fact everyday 90 minutes of biking, running, swimming, elliptical. When I go to the gym or out the door, I can not wait to do my acrid and enter it into MFP. Befriend me and keep me honest - ooh nooo
  • It seems that you are in a reasonable range of healthy weight. You can work on perfection (ha ha) later. I had a breast augmentation which for me picked up the slack. Fortunately or not, we are not trying to make the cover of national geographic. So surgery or no. It is a big deal. Take care of yourself. But, if not at…
  • I do it as I go because the calories in many items may surprise you and at the end of the day Wam! This has happened more than once. This way, I do not have to plan my day and eating/tracking is kind of fun. I had a Carmel Machiato today. I wanted sugar and caffein in a moderate does. It was 160 calories. Off I went...
  • Ditto - except my 30 year reunion
  • Hey, I too need to get those last 10-15 pounds off. It does make a difference to me too. And, I also stopped drinking. I feel better and I do not seem to get into so much trouble. With Love...
  • Just track your calories. You will not stop loosing - remember calories in and calories out. Do light weights in a chair. Your ankle will heal. Keep it simple.