Anyone around 140 trying to get in the 120's?



  • faerybun
    faerybun Posts: 65
    Me, me me! Was 160, now 143, working towards 125.

    If anyone has similar stats as me I'd love to have you as a friend!

    Also, I'm quite tall, almost 5'8'', which makes a world of difference and it's so hard to find taller girls on this site. n.n'
  • When I hit one forty I started crying...I am turning 50 this year and I look around at middle age ladies wobbling around. I know I can not stop the again process, but I think I can zip up the food hole.

    Yes, my goal is 119. But, I had been thinner than that due to illness and yes people thought I had AIDES (not attractive). I may up my goal to 125. As a matter a fact I think I will do that right now.

    Thank you very much!
  • michalita
    michalita Posts: 27
    I'm not sure yet! I'm about 5'6" (nearly 5'7") and up until 2 years ago, was always in the 120s or below. I'm 139 now (down from 150!), and my original goal was 135, but even at 139 I have a lot of belly and thigh jiggle that still needs to go, so maybe 120s is where I need to be. I'm 36 if that makes any difference.
  • micubs
    micubs Posts: 11 Member
    Can I join? I'm 5'7" and currently at 136 but my goal is 125 - 129. These last 10 have been the hardest. I've been using MFP for several months on my I-phone but I just found the website and this great community. I could use some friends to help me stay on track.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    YES! I was 132 when I started nursing school and left at 152! My goal is 125. Add me if youd like!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Count me in too! When I read your question about highest weight, I immediately thought, which one? My all time highest weight was 197 in high school, lowest was 124 in college. Another high was after my first son was born, etc. You get the picture. Most recent high weight was 142 last fall. I'm also 5'3" and most comfortable around 132-134. My idea weight would be 128.

    I'm excited to see this challenge because I truly think those last 10-15 pounds are the most challenging to lose-especially when you're short to begin with!::flowerforyou:
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