
BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
I have been here 35 days now, also going to the gym about as long. I workout 4-5 days a week. Although I don't always eat good things, I do always log my food and usually stay below my calorie budget. Every week I would weigh in at the gym and had lost 5 lbs. Not real excited about it, but I wanted slow, steady weight loss and that's what I get so I'm happy with it.

This week I went to the gym, weighed in...WHAT!? I had gained a 1/2 a lbs! But wait, not JUST 1/2 lb...1/2 lb more than I weighed when I started!!! I was so discouraged, I have not been back to the gym and I'm sitting here this Friday morning, knowing that if I don't go today, I won't be able to go back until next week because I my work schedule. Part of me wants to get up and go,the other part wants to take a "rest" weekend.

Someone get me motivated. PLEASE!


  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    The human body, some more than others, retain different amounts of water at different times. If you have been working out, your body will retain more than usual to help repair the muscles. Remember, it's an undisputable fact that a pound of fat has 3500 calories in it, so if you have been eating under your goal caloric rate, it can't be fat. You said you always don't eat the best stuff, I'm guessing it's packed with sodium that made your retain more water.

    Keep at it, you are doing fine, just maybe skip out on some of the junk food for a few days even in small quanities and take a nightly walk or something to give your metabolism some extra oomph.
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm thinking you need to go somewhere and move :) Don't let the demon scale set you on a "bender." I am a real fan of no scales at all. Eat for health and move for health and eventually weight will come off the right way. Scales screw us up.:smile::flowerforyou:
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I can say this, but I never practice what I preach!


    I am a scale addict, and my weight can fluctuation up to 4 lbs in the SAME day! It's just water/fluid and normal variances! Please don't let that little 1/2 lb derail your hard work!!!
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Awwwwww... Hey mama!!! I understand how you feel. It is understandable to feel discouraged especially if you are not seeing the pounds come off. But, are you losing inches, or gaining muscle mass. Try switch things up a bit, like taking yoga or a fitness class. Or, changing your diet around a little more by incorporating more veggies. Sometimes your body get comfortable when you are doing the same routine. Keep working and it will begin to melt away. :wink:
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    You guys are AWESOME!!! I was putting on my shoes and when I came back to my computer, I had all these motivational messages! Thank you so muc! I know I can't rely on the scales, but it is still discouraging. So...I'm heading to the gym. Still a little discouraged, but going to move something,,,even if it is not the scales!
  • jenny_fur
    jenny_fur Posts: 73
    KEEP GOING!!! You must!
    Im counting on you to rub off on my Sister!!
    Come on girlie... I love ya'll and NEED you healty!:heart:

    Just keep going... we all have bad days! It will pay off!

  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I would start using your own scale instead of depending on the gym scale. So many people use that all day, every day, it can get off balance.

    You've been working hard, don't let a silly number make you feel bad! I gain 3-4 pounds every day from morning to night. The next morning it's back down again! Weight fluctuates a lot during the day, so it's best to weigh in the morning right after using the bathroom.
  • Wow, we hear this a lot with new-comers. Yes, 35 days is a newcomer. After over a year here, the exercise really set in - changed how I feel and gave me the spirit to just live this way. Feeling better and doing what is right, not every day...

    Do not sweat the 1/2 pound. Think about it .5 pounds - how do you feel...