Linda8989 Member


  • I'm sorry you're stuck right now, but it DOES make me feel better that it happens to the guys too....sorry, that's an awful thing for me to say! :laugh:
  • I so agree! I have a male friend who has never seen an overweight day in his life. We eat out together, he eats a huge portion of food then attacks my not fair : )
  • That's a great idea! I'd be happy with a 1/2 lb vs NO LB loss
  • Well, I had a hysterectomy a few decades ago, the old way, so I can't compare the two. But I did have laparoscopic gall bladder removal a few years back, and it was very easy. They kept me overnight just because of nausea issues. Within 2 days, I was feeling fine, minor discomfort, and just a little weak for a few days.…
  • My advice would to be very careful. I did great on Atkins/south Beach some years back. After a week or so, I adjusted to the no carb thing by eating lots of protein and fat. I lost 80 lbs in about 6 months, felt great, and then Bam! I happened to grab a beautiful pear off of a conference room table at work and that was the…
  • Don't feel too disappointed because after another 10 or so, they'll probably notice. I started out over 300 and it took about 40-50 lbs before people really took note. That's fine, because the only person who it truly needs to matter for is yourself, and you KNOW you're doing great!
  • There is nothing that is forbidden in my plan. The key is to know what a serving is, and I need to stop at that point. That's the challenge : )
  • I used to be diabetic, before I started losing weight. Once I got about 50 lbs down, I was able to get off of the oral meds. Now, I only need to check my sugar every 2 wks or so, and they always stay within range. I also walk, which I'm sure has helped to keep things in check. Are you taking meds?
  • I so agree with that. We can't constantly yap to our friends about our good days, bad days. They just don't want to hear it. But here, we're all in the same boat and know what the other person is going through.
  • My vote would be to keep going. A year or so ago, HBO ran a series "The Weight of the Nation" that went on for several weeks. One of the most eye-opening things they said was experts agree (and I'm condensing it here a whole lot), if you've ever been overweight, you can go even 10 years down the line at your goal weight,…
  • The more, the easier it is! I'll send you a friend req, also.
  • You are the only one who saw his face when he said it, so you know the best. But I tend to agree with the others here - I think he meant it as a compliment. Sounds like he may have thought you were an experienced diver.
  • Hi Wishee! Welcome! I've lost 85 over the past few years, and still have about 70 to go, so I know how you feel. This is a great place to do it ... lots of good support and people who understand. I'll send a friend req.
  • Same here. I did lose 85 lbs through WW, but when it slowed down, I started doing the $$ math in my head and felt like I was just paying too much per pound! So I left there, have been here, and love it. It's a very supportive community and, as you said, WAY better database info. I have typed in the most obscure things and…
  • I found that it helps if you only think in increments, plan smaller goals, like 5% of your weight. When I started, I had over 100 to lose, and I never looked at the whole picture because it was just too overwhelming. Now I have a mere 68 :laugh: to lose, and I know I will do it. You're going to do this!
  • Over the past 4 yrs, I've taken off 80+ lbs, still have a ways to go. I can so relate to what you're going through. I've gotten back to tracking 100% of the time and get so much support from people on this site. Welcome!
  • We're all in this together! Sending you a friend req...
  • HI Jonesha...just sent you a friend request...we can do this!:smile:
  • My BF weighs about 100 lbs more than I do. My suggestion is to get a basic idea of what you'll be eating, whether it's at home, or out somewhere. Figure out what you can eat, and then stick to it, regardless of what he does. Also, my guy drinks when he's here, and I now stick to water, unless I'm in the mood for wine and…
  • These are great ideas! Thank you!! I'll be ready for tonight.
  • Thanks for the ideas! I need to get it straight in my mind that once I DO click "Complete" that I don't go back in and add something. I'm guilty of THAT : )
  • Good Morning, Ladies! I'm so happy that I found this group this morning! I'm 65 and have about 70 lb to lose. About 5 yrs ago, I weighed over 300 lbs when I finally decided to do something about it. Got down to 217, was feeling great, then my health took a hit. One surgery and a bunch of meds later, I've jumped back up…
  • I agree with Stef - the most important part of weight loss is the calories you're eating. Workouts are good, but not particularly helpful in losing the pounds. I'd say to be very vigilant in tracking your eating and make sure your settings are on "sedentary" in order to bring your calories down to where they should be. If…
  • Consider my *kitten* in! LOL!
  • They don't look horribly bad, as long as you don't eat the whole package of them : ) High in protein...that's a good thing!
  • My go-to lunch is hummus with some whole wheat pita bread and tomatoes. So good and so fillling!
  • This is similar to the one I bought, and I love it. :smile: Also, it goes up to 380 lbs.