

  • Wow! Looking great, well done!
  • Hi, A good friend of mine lost a good amount of weight quickly by not eating any carbs after 6 at night and following the principal of eating like a King for breakfast and a pauper for dinner. She really shedded some weight - I haven't tried this because I do not think it will suit my lifestyle long term. Good luck! I'm…
  • Thanks all. I guess I'll have to speak to someone 'proper' about running trainers. Sounds expensive!!! Ah well, if it gets me going...cheers!
  • Cherry tomatoes - you can eat 10 for 31 calories! I lurrve them, if they're ripe it's like eating a bowl of sweets!
  • Thanks for the warm welcome! And it's amazing to see all your tickers with such huge numbers on! Well done! And thanks again. V
  • Hi! This is my first day here - I saw a friend using it on Facebook and thought it sounded like a great site.. I've got 32lbs to lose as the weight has just crept on over the last 3 years and I'd like to get back to around 125lbs - I'm really short so it really shows!!! Actually if I'm honest I'd like to be 120 - but I've…