olivianjohnsmom Member


  • Pumpkin smoothie: 2 TBS canned pumpkin (not canned pumpkin pie), 1 scoop vanilla EAS whey protein mix, 1 cup fat free milk, a few ice cubes, dash or more pumpkin pie spice. Blend intil mixed and smooth. YUMMY!!
  • My food diary is public! if someone wants to read it they can...maybe it will help them of maybe they can help me! we all have the same goal on here! if you want to read it friend me and enjoy!
  • people have no idea what we go through to maintain our goal weight!! I, too, have lost the same weight SEVERAL times!! Whenever I get to my goal weight...I live in constant fear of slipping back...I know that if I let my guard down, even for a second i could slide back where i have been may times before! I sometimes feel…
  • LOVE Nashville!! wonderful city!! Welcome to MFP!! and best of luck to you!!
  • I would have eaten the doughnut....then adjusted for it later!! I have no will power for sugar and yeast... or chocolate....especially if I am PMS-ing!! Good girl throwing it to it's death....No ideas, but If I was having a very bad day...I might go down, brush it off and eat it! 10 second rule applies....right?!?!
  • little bites, slivers and "just a spoonfull" matter and add up quickly! watch EVERYTHING you eat.
  • Hi! I am soon to be 42....but feel 50+!! LOL!!! I have been on here for over a month and only lost 11lbs!! UGH!! I need some friends to keep me motivated toooo! add me and i will add you. Best of luck!!
  • have your thyroid checked and blood sugar. If you have not had bloodwork done in the last year I would ask to have a full work up done. also when i have to take pregnazone (spelling?) for my asthma when it gets really bad it does wierd stuff to my body. good luck and keep working out.....sweat off that water weight :-)
  • LOVE your profile pic!! I have been weighing in on Monday mornings so Tuesdays are fine....but if we do Friday then we can eat more Friday night....sort of a "cheat" night?!?! When I did WW i always weighed in on Sat mornings so that Saturday night would be my "cheat" night...... then I had all week to make it…
  • Here is a recipe for cup cakes with lemon/lime soda from Hungry Girl.com.....another AWESOME website!! Mellow Yellow Here you go, people -- totally simple, totally guilt-free vanilla cupcakes that you can make in your very own home. And, EXCITING NEWS, they're a bit larger and fluffier than the average HG cupcake. Let the…
  • Yep! does not surprise me at all!! I worked as a sous chef in college and learned that most chefs cook with butter, salt and oil!! LOTS of it!! They don't measure anything!! They just "lump" it on and in...everything!! I always tell the server that i have food "restrictions".... and ask if the chef would mind preparing my…
  • I don't currently have any.... but I want to get one as soon as I reach my goal!! My Mom passed away very suddenly in July. A good friend told me that I would see signs....a couple of days after her death I was watching my son's baseball practice and a butterfly came down and sat on my hand for a while....then it flew to…
  • Yep!! sounds like you are bored!! after your last meal or after you are finished entering your calories for the night tell yourself that you are done! If you are feeling hungry drink some water and brush your teeth (makes you feel full, clean and makes food taste yucky). remove yourself from all food. I know, easier said…
  • Yummy!! I will have to make this!! Thanks for posting!!
  • Ugh!! yep!! I know the type of place you are talking about. Everything should be "made to order" so, you can ask for a grilled fish, chicken breast or filet. No oil, no sauce. Ask for your vegtables to be sauteed in a little bit of olive oil. Don't eat the starch unless you can figure out what is in it....like a baked…
  • Eat your "planned meal" at home and then have a glass of wine out while your husband eats! Order a glass of sletzer water, no ice and the glass of wine. Get an empty glass. Split the wine into two glasses and add the seltzer and some ice. You will fool yourself into thinking that you are drinking two glasses of wine. Enjoy…
  • Hi! today is the first day....wish me luck!