Hey from Nashville

Murdog Posts: 70
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everybody. I'm brand new here. Really I kind of feel like this is my last big push, if you will, on finally making a decision to lose the weight I gain just after getting out of the USMC back in '01.

I went from around 200 (still too heavy) to around 240 inside 6 months!! Since then, I've been on the vicious roller-coaster ride of my life, trying to get my weight back to the 180's. I have yet been able to get below 200 (sigh).

At the end of this past year, found out that I have high blood pressure, and had to go on meds. It really hit me in the face! I've been a runner, off/on since 1993. And a martial artist since 1994. I've always been in pretty decent shape. The Marine Corps put me in the best shape of my life. But, with it came a big appetite! I didn't eat that much at all, until I went in.

I didn't mean to give you guys my life history and all. But, It feels good to be able to introduce myself; get focused and get ready to change my life for the good--for good!

P.S. Sorry for the avitar--I tried to put a picture in there and got that.(?)

Have a great rest of the day!



  • aclarem
    aclarem Posts: 12
    Best of luck in your journey! You'll find lots of people on here facing the exact same things that you are!
    and, btw, great to see people from Nashville on here :) A taste of home! (I grew up in Nashville)
  • smarston
    smarston Posts: 78 Member
    I find this site very helpful as I'm sure you will too. Good Luck!
  • Welcome to MFP! You are gonna love this site. Great way to journal all your food and exercise and everyone is very supportive and have some great tips!

    I was just in Nashville this past weekend and had way too much food! Nashville BBQ was just too much to pass up!
  • olivianjohnsmom
    olivianjohnsmom Posts: 20 Member
    LOVE Nashville!! wonderful city!! Welcome to MFP!! and best of luck to you!!
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    Good Luck to you on your journey! I love this site as I'm sure you will too. It is very helpful and easy to use.
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    Thanks everybody, for the kind words. It's good to know that I'm not in it by myself. Actually, my wife is in the fight with me!:smile:

    I've got my tracking page up and I love it!!!!! Have a great evening!!
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