Just get it over with....

WonderNoodle Posts: 549
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So the morning is early, and I've already ate 575 calories on "good things" trying to NOT eat the donut in the fridge. So does it make sense to munch myself out of calories to try to fill the craving or just eat the donut and balance out the rest of the day?

(FYI...PMS week!)


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Next time, cut the doughnut in half and just eat half of it very slowly. :wink:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I think you just need to plan not to have a donut in the fridge anymore!!! :wink:

    Also ^^^ her idea of half the donut is not a bad one.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    ugh, when it comes to snacks, I have a weekness. I wouldnt buy things like that, its too tempting. Cutting in half is a great tip. I was buying girl scout cookies and only bought the ones I didnt like, that way I wouldnt be tempted.
  • well i haven't ate it yet. i should do my usual and throw it over the deck railing into the yard. infact....I WILL!

    the calories i ate so far were juice, cereal, a little more cereal and 2 toast. nothing "bad", just food when i wasn't hungry trying to forget about the darn donut my son had leftover and put in the fridge.

    thanks guys! gonna grab it and chuck it out to the dogs!
  • GONE!
  • if I cut a donut in half I end up eating the other half when I'm done with the first half. Sigh.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I try to stay away from having things I crave in the house. On that note, sometimes you have no choice lol I have 3 kids and a husband and sometimes things sneak into the house :ohwell: I would cut it in half, flush one half down the toilet so I can not find it :wink: and then savor every bite of the other half. Then I would find out the calories of the doughnut I ate and work out until they are taken care of. I always work out for my "treats". On another note, don't let this mess up the rest of your day or week. Exercise and move on. It is not that big of a deal and you can make it up :flowerforyou:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    All great suggestions. If I have a weakness for a particular food, I try to not have it in my house (twinkies is one food not allowed in my house, lol). However, with that being said, I do firmly believe in not denying yourself. I am trying to look at this as a lifestyle change and realistically, you are not likely to go the rest of your life never having a donut (or me a twinkie). So, if it were me, I would and I was having a bad craving, I would give in to it and try to eat healthy on the rest of my meals and snacks the rest of the day. My opinion is that if you continually deny yourself the things you love, you are more likely to "fall off the wagon" and probably go overboard when you do, more so than allowing yourself the things you love in moderation. Hope the rest of your day/week is easier :flowerforyou:
  • olivianjohnsmom
    olivianjohnsmom Posts: 20 Member
    I would have eaten the doughnut....then adjusted for it later!! I have no will power for sugar and yeast... or chocolate....especially if I am PMS-ing!! Good girl throwing it to it's death....No ideas, but If I was having a very bad day...I might go down, brush it off and eat it! 10 second rule applies....right?!?!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    However, with that being said, I do firmly believe in not denying yourself. I am trying to look at this as a lifestyle change and realistically, you are not likely to go the rest of your life never having a donut (or me a twinkie). So, if it were me, I would and I was having a bad craving, I would give in to it and try to eat healthy on the rest of my meals and snacks the rest of the day. My opinion is that if you continually deny yourself the things you love, you are more likely to "fall off the wagon" and probably go overboard when you do, more so than allowing yourself the things you love in moderation.

    I think you can go the rest of your life without a donut or a twinkie. It's the mentality that you're depriving yourself of something that leads you to give in to the temptations...and if you keep giving in, nothing changes.

    I've found I do more damage by having a little- which always leads to a little or a lot more, than by resisting and cutting it out completely.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I usually have the goodie. If I'm a little over, well, better tomorrow. If I'm gonna be a lot over, then I watch Jeopardy from the elliptical that evening. I'm lousy at telling myself no sometimes.
  • freeflower3
    freeflower3 Posts: 39 Member
    I might have thrown out 1/2 down the disposal. Then, sat down and thoroughly enjoyed the remaining 1/2 donut. Not one of those "cram it in real fast while standing with the fridge door open" moments.

    But, I have been wanting to make brownies all week, and I will not buy the mix. I just can't. And the craving passes. I am staying away from major binge foods. I have a pack of M&M in my dresser and I haven't touched them But, Oreos, ice cream, brownies, chip dip, aren't allowed in my house yet! Maybe donuts need to be quarantined at your house for now too?
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I might have thrown out 1/2 down the disposal. Then, sat down and thoroughly enjoyed the remaining 1/2 donut. Not one of those "cram it in real fast while standing with the fridge door open" moments.

    But, I have been wanting to make brownies all week, and I will not buy the mix. I just can't. And the craving passes. I am staying away from major binge foods. I have a pack of M&M in my dresser and I haven't touched them But, Oreos, ice cream, brownies, chip dip, aren't allowed in my house yet! Maybe donuts need to be quarantined at your house for now too?

    Brownie Recipe :smile:

    1 Point Brownies

    By Secrets of Fat-Free Baking

    1-2 Points per serving

    3/4 C. Unbleached flour

    1/4 C.+ 2 Tbs. Cocoa powder

    1 C. Sugar

    1/4 Tsp. Salt (optional)

    1/3 C. Unsweetened applesauce

    3 Egg Whites

    1 Tsp. Vanilla

    1/4 C. Walnuts (optional, if used, brownies are 2 points)

    Combine the flour, cocoa, sugar and salt. Mix Well. Stir in applesauce, egg whites, and vanilla. Fold in nuts if desired.

    Coat an 8" square pan with cooking spray. Spread batter evenly in the pan and bake at 350º for 20-25 minutes, or just until the edges are firm and the center is almost set.

    Makes: 16 2" brownies using an 8x8 pan

    Cal. 80, Fat 0 (.04 if using nuts), Protein 1.6g, Chol. 0mg, Sodium 25mg, Fiber .8g, Calcium 4mg, Potassium 32mg, Iron .5 mg


    Weight Watchers Brownies

    Shared by: Lori W.

    1.59 Points Per Serving

    1/2 cup Egg Beaters 99% egg substitute -- * see note

    1 packet hot chocolate powder -- * see note

    1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

    2 tablespoons cocoa

    1/2 teaspoon baking powder

    1/2 teaspoon baking soda

    2 packets sweet n low

    Put all ingredients in a blender and mix well. Spray 2 mini loaf pans with Pam and pour in batter. Bake at 350º for 18 min. Don't over bake. Should be chewy.

    Makes 2 servings.

    NOTE: Origional recipe called for chocolate alba and 2 eggs.

    Lori's Notes: You can use egg substitute instead of eggs and make it even lower in pts.

    NOTES : Per serving: 105.8 cal, 1.1g (8.1%) fat, 3.1g fibre, 515mg sodium, 23.3g carbs, 5g protien

    Per serving: 1.59 points
  • That was sweet of you Mommy! Brownies for everyone! LOL!
  • KChristie976
    KChristie976 Posts: 150 Member
    Just eat the donut and run it off later lol!!!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    That was sweet of you Mommy! Brownies for everyone! LOL!

    I posted them for the person who wanted to make brownies but won't. lol
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