

  • I have a problem with this too. I used to be constantly wanting food, even all the tips for "have dark chocolate to help that sweet tooth" or "eat more protein" didn't help as I wasn't actually hungry just wanted food, but I found a few things which helped. I'm sure you heard before but have lots of water. Have a glass…
  • Wow, your amazing. I have to say, I got such a shock when I saw the afters. Brilliant job.
  • I prefer brown rice than white rice.
  • My usual salad is prebagged mix lettuce, spinach, bell pepper, sun dried tomatoes, sweetcorn, cheese and hummus.
  • I don't have my breakfast till 1pm.. But I had 1/3 cup of porridge with a teaspoon of honey mixed through and a chopped small banana on top with a large sprinkle of cinnamon. Its yummy, and keeps me nice and full for a while!
  • I usually just boiled them for a few minutes and then drain most of the water out except a little at the bottom, cover the pot and let it sort of steam until its ready. They actually are ready so quickly. I usually quarter them though. Oh and another thing I like to do is cube them real small, mix them with a normal potato…
  • Honestly the advice I can give you is to not restrict yourself too much on your meal choice. A lot of eating is psychological, and if you choose something, say a salad as you feel its better well in your head it can lead to you overthinking it and then you don't feel full or satisfied. I would choose something that is…
  • Generally cats are lactose intolerant and shouldn't have dairy products. Unlike dogs, they are also carnivores so shouldn't be given plant materials etc. You should only give them water to drink.
  • I tend to eat most of my calories in the evening.. When I get up I have a nescafe cappachino (sachet, just add to water), and then I don't usually eat until I have something at 1pm. Most of what I eat is in the evenings, and I also don't have a time limit on when to stop eating, I let my self eat until bed if I want too.…
  • Thanks for the advice, I have since changed my goal from one lb a week to half a lb. I supose loosing seven lbs would be a big difference to me, so maybe I only need to loose three of four lbs to be happier and then tone up.. I think its the fact I'm so untoned which is making me think i have more to loose.
  • I put half a chopped banana and some chopped strawberries on top and a good sprinkle of cinnamon. Sometimes instead of the strawberries I add some blueberries. I love it!
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