How do you cook sweet potatoes?



  • janiecrake
    janiecrake Posts: 60 Member
    Just puncture and cook whole, take out just as they are almost soft enough and wrap in foil for a few minutes to finish cooking. Usually works fine. Cutting up is probably the problem.
    Yep, I agree, this is the best way to cook them , they don't take anywhere near as long as a potato.
  • Raeambi
    Raeambi Posts: 13
    I usually just boiled them for a few minutes and then drain most of the water out except a little at the bottom, cover the pot and let it sort of steam until its ready. They actually are ready so quickly. I usually quarter them though.

    Oh and another thing I like to do is cube them real small, mix them with a normal potato (or not) and add them to a pan with a small amount of oil of your choice. Let them cook that way. I also like to add an onion for flavour too while its cooking. Then in the last five minutes I add in some diced garlic and some turmeric and cumin. Its sooo good! :)
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Diced in a stew that has been in the slow cooker all day is fabulous. But if you want them quick, diced and sauted in a skillet with spice / chilli seeds / garlic, and add some whisked egg. The potato should be firm but not crunchy, the eggs are done in a few seconds to your liking!
  • jennpf
    jennpf Posts: 6 Member
    Serves 4

    Dice two large sweet potatoes, don't peel the skin.
    Drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil, a little honey add cumin, coriander a little curry and kosher salt (to taste)
    spread evenly onto a greased cookie sheet
    Cook in oven at 350-375 until soft or if you desire crispy let them get crispy. It is better than any butter, brown sugar loaded sweet potato any day! My kids loved this!
  • pinky_pinkster
    pinky_pinkster Posts: 56 Member
    My favorite way is boiled with regular potato's then mashed with grated cheese and a little bit of milk, mmmmm...
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Grilled! Nothing added just plainly grilled they're yummy.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I love a little olive oil and kosher salt in the oven for 50 minutes@350. Sheer perfection.
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    I roast them in the oven. I cut into "fries" or just into rounds and toss on a foil lined baking sheet with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. About 15-20 mins, flip over. 10 mins and done. I've also tossed in a bit of fresh sage and rosemary too, but no need to get too fancy. Salt and pepper is enough.

    What temperature do you set the oven to? This sounds really good!

    As far as my sweet potato cooking experience, I jab them with a fork a few times on all sides and put them whole in the microwave using the 'potato' button, or I put them in the crockpot with my beef or pork roast.
  • Bxgell2
    Bxgell2 Posts: 30
    I put the whole potato in the microwave, and cover it, which makes it moister. But my favorite way is to cut it up into wedges, toss with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast in the oven for about 30 minutes.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I roast them in the oven. I cut into "fries" or just into rounds and toss on a foil lined baking sheet with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. About 15-20 mins, flip over. 10 mins and done. I've also tossed in a bit of fresh sage and rosemary too, but no need to get too fancy. Salt and pepper is enough.

    What temperature do you set the oven to? This sounds really good!

    As far as my sweet potato cooking experience, I jab them with a fork a few times on all sides and put them whole in the microwave using the 'potato' button, or I put them in the crockpot with my beef or pork roast.

    I think 425. I have a gas oven that tends to cook a bit slower than normal, so take that into account on timing. You want it high enough so they'll brown and get a little crispy.
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    I roast them in the oven. I cut into "fries" or just into rounds and toss on a foil lined baking sheet with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. About 15-20 mins, flip over. 10 mins and done. I've also tossed in a bit of fresh sage and rosemary too, but no need to get too fancy. Salt and pepper is enough.

    What temperature do you set the oven to? This sounds really good!

    As far as my sweet potato cooking experience, I jab them with a fork a few times on all sides and put them whole in the microwave using the 'potato' button, or I put them in the crockpot with my beef or pork roast.

    I think 425. I have a gas oven that tends to cook a bit slower than normal, so take that into account on timing. You want it high enough so they'll brown and get a little crispy.

    Thanks, I will have to try that next time I get sweet potatoes!
  • mrsmelonmaryjane
    mrsmelonmaryjane Posts: 14 Member
    I cook them whole also when I have the time. They cook faster than white potatoes. And when they are baked they can be eaten with just a sprinkle of cinnamon. YUM.

    If I'm in a rush I slice them lengthwise before baking, it cuts the time way down. Enjoy!
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I actually buy the wrapped ones that go into the microwave with the wrapper.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Bung in oven and bake.

    Cut into wedges, bung in oven and bake.
    HBRYANJR Posts: 2
    I bake in foil.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I bake them as chips, fries or crisps. Great for nachos.

    Or maybe I'll microwave them and smother them in butter and cinnamon. Depends how I feel.
  • massey1135
    massey1135 Posts: 29 Member
    I sliced them thin and used them in my lasagna instead of noodles. I microwaved them first for 3 mins to soften them
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    I love them sliced about 1/2" thick tossed in olive oil S&P and grilled! so yummy - just watch them and flip every few minutes, they tend to burn becasue of the sugar.