santje00 Member


  • I'll take all your tips into consideration. Already changed my fitness schedule and started on the treadmill again today. I'm beating this plateau with everything I got!
  • I'm tracking with my boyfriends phone whilst I'm cooking because it's a lot faster. I'm waiting for a new phone to use the fitness pal app with so I quick add calories on my computer once I tracked them on his phone. To answer questions that you guys asked me my current weight is 231 pounds and height 5.3 I have been…
  • First of all let me reassure you that a lot of people get to deal with allergies. I am allergic to pretty much anything when I really start thinking about it. Sometimes it's a bit hard to see what product is causing your allergic reaction. It could very well be a contact allergic reaction instead of a food allergy. I would…
  • I'm quite lucky to work in a family company, but to be honest you shouldn't really care what others think + you can make a lot of healthy choices eating out as well. As long as you knock chips (fries) on the head and don't choose anything deep you are good to go! Good Luck :D
  • A big thank you to everyone for all the helpful tips. I will definitely try the majority of them and let you know how they pan out :)
  • I think this is the best description I ever heard (totally off topic). :D
  • Congratulations girl! You look absolutely stunning! A big motivation and source of inspiration for us all!
  • Thanks for the tips guys :) @tricksee will definitely try the picture log thing. Just might do the trick. Also discovered that weighing myself every two days to work to a week goal seems to help so I'm going to keep that up to.
  • Well, me posting this topic was not about the fact that eating healthy is more beneficial for you, that is a fact and everyone should eat as healthy as possible for a long healthy life. What I was trying to point out is that healthy food shopping is one of the pitfalls of people on a diet or people trying to change their…
  • True! Also been growing my own veggies and spices, but still. When you walk around in the supermarket and see what you spend on healthier food it is shocking. We are a family of five, so I do know what I'm talking about. As Andie pointed out, frozen veg might be cheaper as well (which I been buying out of season), but you…
  • I'm a smoker as well and I don't want to quit before being on my ideal weight. Losing weight is already hard enough without extra things to cut back on. I say focus on one thing at a time. Quit smoking is really difficult, but if you want to quit now I'd try one of those electronic cigarettes. It made me cut back to 5…
  • You look amazing! I'd say the BMI guideline doesn't apply to you. According to BMI my ideal weight is about 126 pounds, but 130 - 135 is better for me. So you see, it isn't always right ;)
  • Bexleyheath Kent here :) Moved here from Belgium not to long ago and fell in love with the English culture. Although the take-away didn't agree with my figure lol
    in UK!! Comment by santje00 April 2013