santje00 Member


  • I don't see myself as a grown up :p lol I'm a child at heart ;)
  • Surprising to see so many different reactions to it. Mind you, I have been out of shape for a while and take a lot of extra weight with me. Still, if I don't exercise (like on my rest day), I don't need the naps at all. My naps are quite refreshing though, and it does help with some of the muscle pain afterwards and…
  • Fortunately I have my own business, so naps are more tempting lol.
  • Shaking is quite normal and is usually a sign that your muscles are struggling a bit. It's a sign they are working hard. However, I would be careful when muscles start to shake, because maintaining proper form during exercise is extremely difficult then. First and foremost, always protect yourself against injury. To build…
  • I understand what you go through, because I was in exactly the same position when I started. I felt like I needed to do more, I wanted to see things change quickly, the common feelings one experiences when weight has to be lost. Still, I will say the same thing to you I said to myself back then. You are doing so well! You…
  • You say low, I can't even do a hundred lbs properly at the moment ;) Good job!
  • Oh hell yea! I am boring everyone and I can see visible annoyance on their face. I do go overboard though, when my other half and his friend have McDonalds and I make a statement such as "You keep eating your burgers, I'll keep putting on muscle". I mean, it's self-inflicted in my case. But in all seriousness, I get it. I…
  • I had exactly the same problem when I started out. I could not stay on it because my tailbone would start to kill me after only ten minutes. I do have to say this, as I lost weight, the problem dissipated. I also had less problems with balance. No idea where you are weight-wise, but it could be a cause for some people.
  • I have cheat days, but I do stick within my calorie range. For example, I can have a pizza, but a small one with reduced fat cheese or a gluten-free option. One thing I will say, and I'm speaking from experience, denying yourself everything you like will cause you to shoot back up in weight. I lost four stone in the past,…
  • I'm close to losing another stone, so my next mini goal is losing 7 pounds. :)
  • I thought I would give everyone an update on the situation. I had a few days to try some of the tips you guys gave me and my fatigue has decreased quite a bit. Here are some of the changes I did, but I cannot pinpoint exactly which one has worked. - Taking a supplement with extra vitamin C and vitamin D (500 mg C and 25…
  • That is a good idea. I do work about 14-16 hours days constantly at a desk, maybe it is contributing as well.
  • Great idea. I'll give that a go too.
  • Come to think of it, I have been deficient in vitamin D before... Did not even consider that being a cause.
  • To answer questions from you lovely people who have replied that quickly! :) Increased my sleep from eight hours to ten, otherwise I cannot get out of bed at this point :p This does not include the one to two hour nap I require during the day. I did try to increase my calorie intake on the same program before. I tried…
  • These weeks happen from time to time, but it is mainly this week I'm struggling. The hours are literally draining all my energy, and sitting on my desk all day not exercising does not help whatsoever. Still, the little binges in the evenings are the worst problem at the moment. Next week should be easier, since I won't be…
  • I love the idea of the yoga mat. I already have one next to my desk, so I would not take to long to only do a couple of minutes every now and again. Great tip for busy weeks, thanks!
  • I honestly did not think this many people actually struggled with exercising during heat, so that makes me feel a little more at ease knowing I'm not the only one. I'll take aboard some of the tips you had for me so far, such as decreasing intensity, monitor salt and water intake, etc. I'll start on my workout tonight and…
  • I've been suffering from GAD and agoraphobia for years. Unfortunately, the only way to deal with it is face it. But there are some techniques to help you cope. Also, try to keep caffeine intake to a minimum and make sure you do the proper breathing techniques when during your workout. One piece of advice I definitely can…
  • The only way to describe it (and it's quite similar to the experience I get before a heavy panic attack): I get a jolt (similar to what you experience when something scares you) and then I lose my balance. I never have it during workouts, expect when it gets really warm.
  • Great tips everyone thanks. I've used a combination of tips to combat the problem. For example, using the smaller plates, add more lettuce and other low-calorie veggies to ensure I feel like I had enough, drink more water etc. It has helped, because now I've almost halved food consumption. Where I was able to eat for…
  • To be a 100% honest, based on your pictures I think the previous post may be right. You have a considerable amount of muscle that could add the weight, but that muscle is not really a bad thing. It will help you burn calories in the long run. You are probably slowing down losing weight at the moment because you are so…
  • It comes down to different opinions really. I find a protein rich meal quite beneficial myself, especially when I have been working out. Since protein repairs the muscle and reduces some of the muscle soreness you get afterwards. However, I would not eat anything that is heavy on the stomach, depending on when you get to…
  • Good point. It is true though, I've had the same thing. My scale barely budged with 3 pounds and a lot to lose, but the amount of inches I lost was quite amazing. Muscle build can cause you not to lose anything at one point.
  • Depends. I find myself struggling at some days and have about 200-300 left sometimes. Since I started doing heavy exercise, I noticed I couldn't eat as much as I used to. However, I do try to hit the mark where calories are concerned. Only when I feel sick I won't. How many calories should you be eating and what are you…
  • Could be down to several things really. What have you lost over the three previous weeks. At one point, the body cannot give more after considerable weight loss, usually only for a week. Others call it a plateau. No matter what you call it, I'd track religiously this week and if you do not lose again, maybe have a look at…
  • I like the idea of the pre-logging and drinking more water. Thanks for the tips everyone. I've been trying them from this morning and notice its going a lot easier.