

  • morning all Calories - Yes (a little light - but not too bad) Exercise- yes - just pottering around the house and a little dog walking Tracked - yes
  • I think you are all doing amazingly well. I think I go against the grain - I am hungrier the more I exercise! Had a quiet day today - took a day off exercise. Just pottered around the house. Back to it tomorrow - 40 - 50 mins in the gym and then 30 mins swim followed by a good hour dog walking...... Have a good day all J
  • Not sure whether I forgot to add Friday. So to confirm for 7th, 8th and 9th June Calories - Yes Exercise - Yes Tracked - Yes For all 3 days....
  • lovely day today... calories - yes exercise - yes tracked - yes although I am now a bit iffy on my earned calories...... good job I didn't consume everyone of them!!!
  • thanks for the update - I did think some were high - so I too will start to cut in half, although I have just got the fitbit - so it will be interesting to see how they tally.....:sad:
  • Evening all 4 June Calories - Tracked Exercise - tracked - not a huge day today - just a 30 min swim Tracker - completed 5 June Calories - tracked Exercise - tracked - oh so much - an hour and 20 mins with the PT, 30 min swim and an hour walk with the dogs Tracker - completed 6 June Calories - tracked Exercise - tracked -…
  • Evening all Not been around the last couple of days - but I have been very good -today I managed (for the first time to walk over 10 000 steps:-) Got me a fitbit and have started to use it the last day or so.... J
  • Date 3June Calories - Yes Exercise- Yes Tracked - Yes:bigsmile:
  • Morning, Afternoon, Evening all Hope you're having a good time.... I have had another good day today... The sun was shining and I did a 50 minute swim in the Spa outside pool.... Portion control - not doing so badly on that side. Eating lots of fish, so calories are light:-) Be good:happy:
  • Calories- yes Exercise - yes - lots.... Tracked - Yes not so good on the water today though - could have done better given the heat!
  • Had a good day today - the sun was shining, good hour and a half dog walk and then a couple of hours in the garden:-):laugh:
  • Good day Exercised - Yes (loads - 1336 calories used) Calories - Yes (and I didn't use the cals I had burned exercising - which is a first....) Tracked - yes.
  • Hello all I'm Janet based in the south west of the UK. Like a few other members here over the years I have piled the weight on due to inactivity and loving good food. I hit 50 in September and have my party planned - and I want to look and feel fit and fab at 50!!! I am also hitting a major transition in my work life -…