aelfrice Member


  • Hi there. Good job on making a commitment to yourself. I noticed that we are friends; hi friend! I'm a big guy too at 6'4''. When I started MFP last year I was at 270 lbs, so we may be comparable in our starting stats. I wanted to address your question. First, 1500 calories is far too little food for you to eat. Yes, it's…
  • The above suggested foodstuffs are all soft, but I wasn't able to move from a puree diet for over a week after having my last two wisdom teeth out. I turned to my favorite lentil soup recipe by Alton Brown and pureed it in my blender. It's flavorful, has a great and tweakable macronutrient composition, and is loaded with…
  • You guys have bad memories, because "Smurf Berry Crunch" was the best cereal.
  • I just open up my lips and . . .
  • I'm not a foodie by any means, but I do love to cook. Along the way I've picked up some cooking techniques that make it easier to turn bland meats and veggies into delicious indulgences. I mentioned earlier that I make a salad a night (or most nights, honestly). I do so by buying my greens and produce once a week and then…
  • I love food. I love eating so much that I shy away from choices that, in order to meet my calorie goals, subsequently restrict the amount of food and the degree of satiety feel. As such, sugar is playing a very small role in my diet. Daily salads of raw vegetables, lean protein, and additions of small amounts of cheeses…
  • No, I'm not talking about the Boystown that was founded by a Roman Catholic priest. I'm talking about the neighborhood in Chicago where you'll sometimes find Roman Catholic priests in street-clothes.
  • Usually, you just ask. Guys are like that.
  • In this context, gay neighborhoods are identified by jeans bulges. In reality, it's not too far from the truth. The first time I visited Boystown in Chicago I was titillated--and kind of grossed-out--by what guys were stuffing in their jeans. Just saying . . .
  • But I like seeing guys' junk. Sometimes I don't mind showing off either. Has anyone here ever actually been to a gay neighborhood?
  • A resident at the long term care facility I work at was able to change her own colostomy bag today. Things like this--and not being 18 anymore--help me when I feel out of control. Some days you just need to swear a lot and cry.
  • Something doesn't seem right here. I'm 6'4'' and weigh 260 currently. I have a very large frame(barrel chest, wide shoulders, size 16 feet and huge hands) I started calorie and macronutrient planning three weeks ago and weighed 270. MFP put my BMR at about 2200 and my TDEE at about 2700. I eat 2100 a day and eat my…
  • In a rush to be more skeptical than thou, I forgot that you weren't promoting this story but were complaining that people take too much for granted. I didn't mean to criticize you; I was writing on autopilot. Thanks for being so gracious.
  • Shame on ABC, NBC, CBS, and the rest of those who resort to sensationalism. "A team of Harvard researchers" is not a signifier of authority here. As the article linked to in the OP points outs--somewhere at the bottom, this review of other studies has yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. While being published…
  • Smoking pot will help give you an appetite. With enough use you may be able to retrain your body to crave food when it is hungry.
  • On the other hand, standing next to a smoker in a grocery story line/queue is always revelatory--smokers smell worse than someone who hasn't bathed in weeks.
    in smoking! Comment by aelfrice March 2013
  • I quit three months ago after an almost fifteen year, pack-a-day habit. I made a plan to quit on a particular day by planning to run out of cigarettes the night before. I had been out of work so I could plan on going through withdrawal without caring about how I would affect others--besides my roommate who was a witness to…
    in smoking! Comment by aelfrice March 2013
  • I'm not fake. This site and app is part of my new daily routine. That guy was a jerk. The OP might have been sensitive about her financial situation and it upsets me to see people get trolled by entitled-sounding *kitten*. Dude, I know where you're coming from. I can appreciate any desire to police one's own space. This…