

  • I had the same problem and fixed it with casein powder mixed with 100g of 0,1 Greek yoghurt . 170 calories and around 30g of proteins that will fill your stomach for the night.
  • Hello there, thanks for your contribution. However, politeness is more appreciated than judgment ;) I'll just answer a few points , to make it more clear : - Of course this program is arbitrary, as the ideal body or the amount of body fat you want to live with. Let's not state the obvious - Whey powder is a great help to…
  • Hey Skarlet, the caloric surplus it's not exactly a golden rule. Realistically, there is a very small amount of muscles in kilograms that you can add in a year. A young male who never lifted weights with a normal diet can hope to add as much as 5-7 kg in one year of lean body mass. This number decreases every year, so that…
  • That could work, but I feel that sometimes there is some unreliability in that. I prefer Old Scooby's calculator ;) http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ This guy spent a lot of time creating a beautiful bull****-free website. You can select the objective "Gain muscle, lose fat" as your starting point. However,…
  • Hey man, No discouraging allowed :-) I would advise you to revise your calories intake and by doing so, also quit eating back your cardio calories. You should try these steps : 1) Find your maintenance level and eat that for 7 days 2) Every 7 days reduce 200 calories 3) When you are eating a nice deficit (let's say…
  • Hello, thanks for your interesting and exhaustive comtribution. Please let's all continue to be polite. I have not stated that muscle is less important for women than it is for men. I believe the opposite and I agree with your post. Instead, I underlined the differences of a high protein intake advantages in preserving…
  • Hello, thanks for sharing with us :) Unfortunately the trend is getting more and more extreme toward severe nutrient restriction aimed to weight loss. If u want to know how extreme, please google "Ketogenic Enteric Nutrition". I'd suggest, however, not to start the topic on this procedure here. It's just an example to show…
  • Great words.
  • Thanks for your interesting contribution in the matter. Ketogenic diet has been proposed for a long time. It works in terms of weight loss, but it comes at a price. High price in my opinion: 1) You are more likely to lose weight than fat on a ketogenic diet, compared to a complete diet. 2) You are more likely to regain…
  • Hello, thanks for your conyribution ;) You are right in both issues. The problem lies in the fact that ketones are not as good fuel as carbs are. Produce too much of them and you may risk Ketosis, which Wikipedia can explain surely better than me. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketosis That's why my safety advice is to…
  • Hey Carol, I took a look and sounds good to me! You are doing fine! Carbs are vital to your brain. He can burn only glucose or ketones and he needs 500cals/day, no matter your activities, study, workout , nothing whatsoever . The rest of your body will be happy with fat, protein and occasional carbs. Your heart, for…
  • If you are interested, we talk about protein intake here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1015079-high-protein-intake-friend-or-foe-evidences
  • It's a safe and efficient target in my opinion. I am doing the same and I am the same weight as you. As long as u keep the caloric target, of course ;)
  • Thanks for your interesting considerations! I see no disagreement here, only different calculations. You correctly talk about 700 caloric surplus over manteinance. My 250 caloric surplus is intended over the calories you burn during training. A strong bodybuilder with intention to put mass may easily waste 450 during…
  • Go for Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion probiotic milk chocolate or Optimum Nutrition double chocolate. They are widely appreciated with incredible taste.