

  • Not a thyroid problem. I've already lost 20ish pounds.. Maybe it's a plateau?
  • Ya I just don't want to become obsessed with my food. With my job I don't have a ton of time to eat during the day so I've been comfortable (not starving) at 1350 but if I need to eat more then I definitely will try that..
  • Well I'm pretty good with eyeballing portion sizes but I don't weigh my food.. I don't wanna become that obsessed with food that I have to weigh it lol but ya I track ever bite, sip, taste
  • Definitely! Awesome advice u guys! Thanks for the support. I guess when I was heavier (225lbs) it seemed like 20lbs came off in a breeze! I'll just keep doing what I'm doing... And hopefully something falls lol as for the biggest loser thing, it was just a team building thing at work... There are heavier people involved so…
  • Ok so how do I set all that in MFP for the carb protein fat section. If it's in grams I mean. MFP has %'s
  • Thanks .. Well I'm apart of a "biggest loser" at work and numerical results are a must lol.. Any idea what the carbs and protein and fat % are suppose to be at?
  • I see what ur saying here but I just changed my calories today to 1460 or whatever.. I had been doing 1710.. That's why so high
  • Yeah I think I'm gunna try lowering my cals to 1460 for a 1 1/2 lb loss a week. Being on the meat/ fruit and veggies and drop the process or Cheat stuff to 1 day a week (moderation too) I think counting calories is driving me nuts. Maybe I should take a break from this app for a while. I don't know.. I don't weigh my food…
  • Yea it was 2 muffins.. It was Friday.. I figured wtf lol I had a workout today and I was pretty good all week
  • I'm 5'5 I use to weigh 225 but now I weigh 193-196 (it teeters between those) MFP was working for the last 10lbs I lost and now it has just stopped for the past 2 months.. Last month I did lower my calories but no change so I upped them again back I what it was for a 1lb weight loss instead of 2lb weightloss.. And I…
  • When I started I was 225.. I was losing like crazy by clean eating and an hour on the tread mill everyday almost. Now that I'm 195lbs I've been working out the same and changing it up but since late April I have stayed between 193-196 .. What happened?!!! I'll admit to a few cheat days but not enough to make a crazy…
  • Has anyone tried this NIKE FUEL BAND? What's it about?
  • I use portion control.. I don't weigh my food- that would drive me insane.. I calculate by the cals on my treadmill & the exercise cals MFP uses. I have done before & after pix. I've noticed a 2inch decrease in my bust & waist but no scale movement.
  • Sorry i just made it public. Oh alright I guess I'll just be patient. But it has been since mid April. So about 5 weeks. I was use to about a pound a week before.
  • I ate my 1700 sum calories today and exercised 500 cals loss... Feel great.. Waay better than the 1300/1400 I was doing the last 2 weeks. Eating is good lol definitely not into obtaining any disorders.. I'm half Italian.. I love to eat
  • Of course they're good. I just meant avocado is something I've never tried before
  • Lol no excuses here .. Ill try anything right now to see if this plateau falls. Thanks everyone .. I've been so frustrated .. Ppl saying lower ur cals then don't.. I really think I can up my cals.. My body probably went into survivor mode on 1380 cals. Ill try avocado.. And whatever else is good but high in cals. I'm gunna…
  • Lol I can barely eat 1400-1500 a day.. I don't think 2000 some is gunna happen. I guess I'll see how I feel.
  • Alright.. Yea I do a nursing type job.. And I also work out an hour a day about 5-6 X a week so I'm guessing 1300/cals a day is starvation almost for me anyway. I guess I figured I lost 30lbs on 1650 that to go for another 30 would be by dropping the cals. I don't really know lol I also has someone tell me this: Here's a…
  • Ok so TDEE is 2725 BMR is 1692 Soo now what do I do? mFP is suggesting 1630 daily intake... Is this good? For 1.5lb/week weightloss. I seemed to hit a 5 week plateau.. When I started cutting calories to increase weight loss.. Went from 1630 to 1450 and stopped losing so I tried to lose 2lbs/ week with 1380 and I still…
  • Ok my BMR was 1696 And my TDEE was 2612... I suck at math but what is 15% of that? 2200? Lol I really suck at math.
  • Yea I'm hoping to get down to 160lbs... But man once I got out of the 200's it's been hard as hell to lose weight. I'm trying to get out of the 190's.. But the closer u get to ur goal it seems the harder it is for the fat to come off. I went 5 weeks with no weightloss but noticed I lost 2 inches from my chest and 2 inches…
  • That's great! Awesome! It takes time but u will get there! Stay in touch!!
  • That makes sense for sure! Well I just started doing 1380 calories last week in hopes of surprising my body so i think I'll give it til the end of this week or mid next week.. If no change then ill go back to 1lb a week :)
  • Where did u hear this? Never heard that one before. I checked that if I aimed for 1.5lb loss a week, all of a sudden I'm allowed 1650 calories lol At 2lb loss a week I get 1380
  • No I have 1380 calories.. I lose about 500 calories or 600 a day. Then I'll eat about 200-300 back. Not another 1380 haha. That would be crazy! I'm 5'6, I have lost about 30lbs so far, I'd like to lose another 30.. I'm at 195lbs, my UGW would probably be 160lbs.. Honestly I don't feel hungry or left starved at 1380 cals.…
  • OK THaNK you sooo much! It finally makes sense. This deficit was confusing me.. I guess I've lost 30lbs doing why I've been doing and it's worked so far.. So Im guessing I need to watch more about WHAT I'm eating.. (Because I do cheat) When I had a 1500 daily calorie intake.. I was never starving or felt weak. But I…
  • Aaah confusing! Haha OK.. Soooo... My daily goal is 1380 (as per MFP) for 2lb loss a week. I exercise 60 minutes at least 5X a week. And aim to burn 500-600 calories.. For example: today-- thus far, I have eaten 843 calories.. And burned 589 calories in exercise.. My net is 254. And now my remaining calories is set to…
  • Ok I think I have come to the solution to my problem.. Thanks to all your input! I believe that what I've been doing is more "maintaining" then weight loss.. By eating 1300 calories and Exercising off 500 calories..then thinking well I worked out today so I can eat another 300.. It's like, what goes in comes out. Meanwhile…
  • Thank u ur too kind lol.. Yeah I've just been doing a lot of treadmill jogging/walking.. Some Pilates and yoga. That's about it. I am clueless as far as lifting weights go. I've been trying to eat over my calories to mix it up too... Are u saying at the end of the day I should still have 500 calories off? I'm confused .. I…