

  • Im waaay over on my protein, and waaay under on my carbs. But then if I add carbs, and remove the protein, then Im over on my fat and calories....what gives???? Should I just eat veggies and cheese? Any suggestions? I know it will take time, Im just now getting into this...maybe I just needed to vent for a second
  • My mother takes melatonin for sleeping too. Its not a "sleeping pill", so that is good. Also, chamomile tea with honey...I love the stuff...I have never taken it though, but thought I would back up what a few other people have mentioned :tongue:
  • Other than it being linked to cancer, I have read (and personally experienced) that artificial sweeteners cause gas. Yes, that is right. Flatulance. Frankly, the less the better, especially since Im starting to REALLY change my diet in forms of more veggies and fruit and less yuck. No more junk food. So, that in itself is…
  • Hey, thanks! And congrats to you as well for losing 6 pounds in 3 weeks! I went over my calories by 268 yesterday. Maybe the chicken nuggets at 10 pm werent a great idea. Whoops! Lol...I had to have SOMETHING though after Prison Break... New day....right??
  • I have tried MOST of them out there. I used to work at a gym and they were readily available. Basically, they made me feel jittery for a couple days, but never took away my hunger. Most of the time I would feel a little sick to my stomach, then when I did get hungry I was STARVING and had to eat something before I felt…
  • Hi. I posted this on the old thread. Hope this is ok! Hey. I just joined on Friday, but actaully starting today. I weighed myself about a week ago and Im finally down to 201......believe me, this has been a struggle!! Ive been separated 2 years (its a good thing, really), but anyway, last May, my weight went up to 245. I…
  • Hey. I just joined on Friday, but actaully starting today. I weighed myself about a week ago and Im finally down to 201......believe me, this has been a struggle!! Ive been separated 2 years (its a good thing, really), but anyway, last May, my weight went up to 245. I looked swollen. I was embarrased to go out in public,…
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