cerulence Member


  • Plank, push ups, and squats done! I might not write my progress for a few days since I'm leaving in the morning for Morocco, but I'll do my part! Good luck and have fun!
  • Maybe if you want to tone up you should try Ripped in 30? same kind of workout (30 minutes, cardio/strenght/abs/several levels), or if you want to keep with other Jillians Michael's vids there's Killer buns and Thighs (same kind of workout) and No More Trouble Zone, but that one is longer (about 50 minutes). I haven't…
  • I laughed. Yes I did. Probably because I'm a woman, and French, and I'm using MFP to lose weight. so... But, I'd say that most of the population isn't overweight, here. it's a small % so that book might be right on some things. Plus here portions are really small compared to the US. To use something everyone can know :…
  • At least you know you can do those 50 on the first day! I'm not even sure I can do 25 of them :/
  • I like Ri30 way more than 30DS. I like the workouts better and the fact that there are four levels. I'm seeing more result with ripped too! I don't know if it's really helpful, though, because everyone is different and what works for me might not work for someone else.
  • But then it's a lot harder to find the right plank's position if you're dead.
  • Me too! Well I can do 30 seconds of plank with a lot of pain and struggles, but I still can't do a push up! I'm not sure what my push ups will look like during the challenge... Good luck to you, too.
  • Alright then, my name 's Laurence (not a guy, though), I'm 38, and I teach kids with autism. I plan on doing the plank, easy push ups, and squats challenges. I've been doing sport again for over a month and have seen some cool changes in my body, so why not do those challenges, too! Thank you for creating this group.
  • Sounds good. so, "easy" push ups are "knee" push ups right? I'm hoping that I'll be able to do at least one real push up in April. I'm in! for all three. Did you make a group? Edit: oookay, NOT "knee push ups" at all lol, I'm in anyway, got to start somewhere!
  • I've had problems for a few years, and following a full check up with my doctor she told me that with what I ate (calories wise) I shouldn't put on weight like I did. so she asked me to cut gluten completely from my diet for a month but to keep my calories intake the same as before. She told me that if I lost between 1 and…
  • I believe you're still losing but your body keeps water during those times. I usually only see the result of my weight loss 2/3 days after. (but i did lose weight, to answer your question).
  • for this diet Dukan says you can eat as much as you want, you're not restricted, as long as you only eat proteins (and not eat more than 200g of cottage cheese a day). I did this one a few years back and wow I've lost big and fast. I just never could do the third part of the diet, so I took it all back. Now, I'd rather do…
  • Egg white? I like them so I eat some everyday (don't eat too many yolks). If you don't like eggs much, maybe check out some protein powder? Or cook that chicken the way you want. And there's always 5% fat ground beef. Others can probably help you more about this, I still hope this helped you.
  • Actually, you can find most of Jillian Michaels' DVD in France. Everything is in English, but if you know how to count to ten in English you'll be ok. I found most of them on Amazon, and Fnac.com. (oh and there's always Youtube. uhm)