

  • I am doing P90X with my brother. Not sure his body fat percentage, but he started at 210. He is 6 foot as well. He is also down to about 190 lbs. That's damn decent if you ask me. He hasn't really been eating the most perfect either actually. He's just really watching how much he eats. He intakes 1700 calories before…
  • That's what I'm talkin about, use it as fuel! I've been remotivated / refueled twice by people that say certain things.
  • Holy hell, I would have gone off on his *kitten*. I can't even believe know one did! I'll tell you this right now, there are many different types of 'fat' that you can be. You can be 'my fat' type, which in my little world only really means I have a decent 10 pounds to lose before you can see my six pack. There's 'normal'…
  • LoL I just wanted to get in this mix, relax. I agree you don't have to wait to complain as I also agree with Urbanchick. Sucks that there are guys on here that do... Ahem... Dumb stuff, but posting on here wasn't going to solve anything. She's a pretty girl, just like a lot of the girls on here and it's quite unfortunate…
  • Smart @Spitfirex007 Yeah I will be having another semi bad day when the SB comes around.
  • @JennyJH I like the way you think!
  • @Valmaebel Yeah unfortunately it's not like you get a token for 'X' amount of calories you burn and then get to go to spend them on whatever. I definitely agree that it should be an 'every now and then' type deal. The lifestyle we lead needs to be a healthy one overall. I suppose I was thinking of a calories in vs calories…
  • Awesome man, that sounds good @Boredboytn. At least you have a plan laid out before hand.
  • *takes a bow, drops the curtain* Nuff said
  • From what I have seen and learned about it, it works. However, from what I've seen and learned from this site / app, it works as well. My sisters husband and herself are currently doing it and it seems to be doing great things. Certain things have points and certain things don't. I like to look at the 'points' as an…
  • YealLift - 1 Urbinachick24 - 0 That was a dumb thing to post. Not all the guys on here care only about *kitten* / tits. Block the guys that are doing what bothers you. If you've gone through all the guys on the site, then you can post, but until then...
  • I would assume it depends on a little bit of both, yes? That's a pretty good question.
  • It would actually depend on how you're getting your sugar. What is it that you're eating that has sugar? I've learned not to worry about it myself because all my sugar comes from about a cup of milk per day in my protein shake, a little bit in my protein powder, the 1 banana a day I eat, and maybe a little in whole wheat…
    in Sugar :S Comment by td_ssam January 2011
  • I created that forum about 'Starvation Mode' and I would recommend you read through it as well. I also have a link within that link above that talks a lot more about what 'Starvation Mode' is actually all about. If I were you though, I would…
  • Think about it this way. If you ate bad for 10 days, and then had one day of eating right and working out, would it make much of a difference? :-) It's about overall trend. Your trend is 90% perfect. :-) Don't let it get you down. I usually eat 1200-1500 cals a day. Then had a 'cheat' day I wasn't proud of. I think I hit…
  • Hah, now that's something I didn't know... Sugar makes you crave crap... No wonder I craved crap today more than any other day, I had tons of sugar yesterday. :-/ I'll be sure to stay away from it as much as possible now. Thanks for that info for sure!
    in sugar Comment by td_ssam January 2011
  • Very much congrats with that!
  • I swear I have the exact problem. I just figured that I was intaking good sugars and I wouldn't worry about it. Unfortunately that was just an assumption and I'm not sure what should be done, if anything. Anyone have any ideas?
  • As long as this link helps you out and makes you aware, then awesome, I did my job as a 'MFP helper guy person dude'. haha @watkinsc: I didn't read what it did to the men psychologically, but I'm interested to know about it now that you said something about it.
  • Is 1990 your caloric intake after you've worked out? Or is it 1990 plus the calories you lose during your workout? Honestly I think it may be because of your weight as dave4d was saying. You'll need more fuel for now, but I guarantee that your caloric intake will get lower as your weight gets lower. As of now, I bet that…
  • What did you input for your exercise information? Maybe that has something to do with it?
  • hahaha! You gotta eat a little bad here and there. And by 'here and there' I mean something like once / twice a month! Unless of course you don't care to eat bad at all. The way I see it, if you are eating bad for a month and 1 or 2 times you eat a healthy meal, you'll never get results. Flip the script and say you only…
  • I saw that the previous poster put Protein Shakes. That's exactly how I do it. I put two scoops of chocolate whey protein into some milk with a banana. That, to me, is amazing in flavor! I get more than enough protein that way.
  • I have pictures up from my first P90X round. I'll let those pictures speak for what P90X can do for you. Let me remind you that I've NEVER had a six pack with anything I've done in the past... Ever. Until P90X.
  • A huge congrats to you man. I agree, if you put your mind toward your goal, there's nothing you can't achieve. Congrats much!
  • You got it man. Cool you got it coming in soon. I guarantee results man!
  • Wow no homo, but your post turned me on man. hah Yeah I didn't read through any other posts before I posted and I see that tons of people agree with the fact that P90X works hella good.
  • Very well put ElaineKatko! It's all about motivation in my opinion. I suppose if you don't have the motivation or will power to do it, then don't do it. It's not for everyone, but it is for me and I fully appreciate what Tony Horton and the Beachbody crew was able to provide for us!
  • IndyFit52 I almost got extremely frustrated when I read your post about P90X. I decided not to though for a couple of reasons. You're very right in it being a tough and time consuming regimen to not only do, but to stick with and be motivated to come back for more. For myself, I couldn't imagine going for runs every other…