P90X - Don't Do It



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    <snip> Zumba may be fun, I agree, but it doesn't bring results. Fun doesn't = fitness.<snip>

    Fitness = freedom = Fun = Self confidence = Sexy:tongue::love: If you push yourself and you want to see results you WILL, because it absolutely DOES bring excellent results if you give it your all!
    Zumba doesn't bring results??:noway: Excuse me? :huh: :laugh:

    Any workout at all brings results if you put your all into it, you simply continue to change up the pace when you're ready to move to a higher level and you WILL see results in any workout!

    Grab a jump rope, think you can't workout good with a jump rope? Try it, give it all you got you'll see results!

    If your body is part of the workout you'll see results but only as much as you put into it will you get out of it same as anything in life.

    Regarding Zumba...there are some Zumba teachers out here that suck and shouldn't be teaching but if you're in a hot class that's slammin, Zumba DOES bring results! Check in with anyone on here... plus it's always way more fun to mix it up so your workouts don't get to be a drag and the same ole same ole.

    Of COURSE Fitness CAN equal FUN!!! ... a workout is what you make it, focus your mind and HAVE FUN while doing it or you won't be doing it long... how bored we would all be if we felt fitness could not be fun. It's work, yes! But doesn't mean it can't be fun:wink:

    Not only this thread but other P90 folks share how it is challenging and that's what they like most about the programs from BB.. being fit is fun, it's awesome, it's a feeling of power like no other to be able to move your body and have it take you anywhere you want/need to go because you've learned to take good care of it.:flowerforyou:
  • td_ssam
    td_ssam Posts: 32

    I almost got extremely frustrated when I read your post about P90X. I decided not to though for a couple of reasons.

    You're very right in it being a tough and time consuming regimen to not only do, but to stick with and be motivated to come back for more. For myself, I couldn't imagine going for runs every other day or jumping on an elliptical or treadmill for 20-30 mins. The thought of it just makes me want to get fat because of it's boredom. However, that's just my personal opinion. Motivation is a major factor in working out and if you are not motivated, you simply won't get results due to lack of 'mental' energy. It's unfortunate that you couldn't get into it because it is actually quite an amazing piece of work. Whatever you are confused by makes me think you aren't really trying to understand what or how to do things, because it makes perfect sense to me. Maybe if people that have done it offered some advice or 'push' for you, you'd change your mind? Who knows...

    So considering you are a personal trainer, I'm quite surprised that you would actually think it was 'long' considering it's truly only about a good hour for every workout, some being a couple minutes less, some being a couple minutes more. Surely as a personal trainer, you know that results don't happen over night. Surely as a personal trainer, you wouldn't tell your customers that something isn't worth it because it's too tough or too time consuming. Surely as a personal trainer, you would be able to motivate people to continue to come to the gym and keep working hard to be fit, healthy, and in shape. Oh and on a side note, Yoga X is the ONLY DVD that is actually that long and I am very guilty of completely not doing it. The only way I can see it being too long is if you can't spare an hour out of your day. (an hour and twenty minutes if you'd like to add in the ab workout, which is only suppose to be done 3 days out of the week.)

    Although it's great that you have something that works and that you can share with others, I believe it was completely unfair and very biased to come out and say, "DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY BECAUSE IT'S TOO COMPLICATED AND TIME CONSUMING!" This is coming from a person that has done P90X religiously before. I got down from 28% body fat to 8% body fat. I've never once in my life been as fit as I was when I devoted the time and will power into P90X. I bet you my paycheck for the rest of my life that if P90X didn't pave the way for me then, I'd probably be 200 lbs right now. And yes, I too got tired of it at a point in time, but that is my issue, not P90X's issue. Actually I wouldn't really call it me getting 'tired' of it per say, I went on vacation for almost a solid month. Got back into bad eating habits, being lazy, not wanting to workout. (everyone knows how it is to go on vacation and feel unmotivated to get back into the groove of things yeah?! ) Then I came home and told myself that it was going to change, yet I still procrastinated. I still ate bad, still was unmotivated to workout. Finally I got to about 185 (normal weight for me should be around 160) and decided that I was definitely going to start working out again. I've been working out since with the P90X / Insanity hybrid, which I can say is amazingly fantastic. You feel like you've accomplished something when you're done with each and every workout. Is it tough? Hell yeah man. Is it asking for some time out of your life? You bet, anything that is tough is most likely time consuming. It's not like since college is hard and time consuming that I'm going to preach to forums online or anyone for that matter that they shouldn't waste their money and that they can slowly make progress doing other things. That would be a very lazy way of thinking.

    I will say that I do very much understand that you stated your opinion. You aren't forcing people to do one thing or the other. LoL And no I'm not trying to make an enemy out of you at all. I just read what you posted and decided I definitely had to say something because I know the results I got from P90X (and Insanity when I used it) were extremely real. I've always felt like I was 'spinning my wheels' for years because I'd workout and even eat right, but I never got the definition or the sense of accomplishment that I got with P90X. So anyone out there that is trying to lose weight, I highly HIGHLY recommend P90X and/or Insanity! If you try it and decide, "Hey, this isn't for me." it's cool, but definitely give it a shot I say. Try it out for the 90 days - P90X or the 60 days - Insanity and tell me that you don't absolutely fall in love with your body. Always remember to eat right, stay focused on the big picture, and of course STAY MOTIVATED! Rome wasn't built in a day or overnight. Your body will take some time to sculpt, but if you eat properly and exercise, there's no way to not get results!
  • td_ssam
    td_ssam Posts: 32
    Very well put ElaineKatko!

    It's all about motivation in my opinion.

    I suppose if you don't have the motivation or will power to do it, then don't do it. It's not for everyone, but it is for me and I fully appreciate what Tony Horton and the Beachbody crew was able to provide for us!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just ordered P90X and it should be here tomorrow. I am extremely excited to give it a try. I am sure for beginners, it's not easy. But like that can be said about any workout. Once your body gets use to it, it becomes easier. P90X is a serious workout. Anybody who does any research should know this. While sticking to your diet and light exercise is wonderful and can really improvement your health and fitness. If you wanna see results and tone your body, you need to push yourself to the limits and then some when it comes to working out
  • td_ssam
    td_ssam Posts: 32
    OK, I'm sure you saw it coming, but I couldn't let this post go by without a response. I couldn't agree less with you. I gotta tell you, I think your post might be useful for only the most naive & under-motivated individuals here. There are SO many people on this site that have had great success with P90X, I can't keep track of em (myself included). There are endless threads of people getting great results. Many of whom swear that they've saved money in the long run by foregoing gym fees & expensive personal trainers.

    Too hard? It's supposed to be hard! How many times in their pitch do they make it clear that this is for those who "want to get REALLY fit"??? It 's not just to lose a few pounds. They also offer plenty of ways to adjust the exercises. Tony constantly tells you that you don't need to keep up with them - just work towards that goal eventually. By your logic I think we should also let people know they shouldn't have kids - because we parents know that it wasn't til after that we realized how hard & complicated it is! And how about marriage or getting a college degree? You don't really see how much is involved until after you're in it. So should we altogether bail on those things too? The point is it's worth it if you're willing to work hard. And you'll get out of it what you put into it. Only the very naive think it'll be a breeze going into it.

    Too long? Really? I admit it's not a quick workout, but it's not supposed to be. I'm surprised to hear a personal trainer say that the 60 minutes is too long (only 1 is 90). Anything that incorporates some cardio should at least be 35-40 minutes to start getting any bang for your buck.

    You also seem to be trying to warn people that they shouldn't expect to just plunk down $140 & hit play and expect the infomercial-type results. Isn't that just common sense? Of course you have to pay attention to nutrition as well. That's why there are so many P90X users here on this site - because they know they have to watch it closely. In fact, you said that 50% of it is nutrition. Actually I think it's more like 70-80%. Who actually believes that getting great results is no further away than buying some DVD program & not watching your diet carefully? I say only the most naive.

    I admit that your post will probably be helpful to some, probably to those who are still looking for that quick fix. They've already tried magic pills & 10 minute workouts to no avail. Your head's up post should deflect their interest. But most regular users of this site are here because they know that good diet and exercise are the only real way to go to get fit and stay that way. And if you want to get really fit, it'll take more of that simple equation.

    I don't mean to be barking at you personally. I just don't see the value of your coming down so hard on a great workout program that does exactly what it advertises - nothing more, nothing less. I've done the program successfully and now continue to do so with my own variations which include going "outside doing things I enjoy".

    There was a time when I was still debating whether or not to get P90X & dedicate that much time & effort to it. I'm just glad I didn't run across your opinion then - it might've kept me from what I've accomplished now.

    Wow no homo, but your post turned me on man. hah

    Yeah I didn't read through any other posts before I posted and I see that tons of people agree with the fact that P90X works hella good.
  • td_ssam
    td_ssam Posts: 32
    I just ordered P90X and it should be here tomorrow. I am extremely excited to give it a try. I am sure for beginners, it's not easy. But like that can be said about any workout. Once your body gets use to it, it becomes easier. P90X is a serious workout. Anybody who does any research should know this. While sticking to your diet and light exercise is wonderful and can really improvement your health and fitness. If you wanna see results and tone your body, you need to push yourself to the limits and then some when it comes to working out

    You got it man. Cool you got it coming in soon. I guarantee results man!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just ordered P90X and it should be here tomorrow. I am extremely excited to give it a try. I am sure for beginners, it's not easy. But like that can be said about any workout. Once your body gets use to it, it becomes easier. P90X is a serious workout. Anybody who does any research should know this. While sticking to your diet and light exercise is wonderful and can really improvement your health and fitness. If you wanna see results and tone your body, you need to push yourself to the limits and then some when it comes to working out

    You got it man. Cool you got it coming in soon. I guarantee results man!

    Thanks man. I wish I would have got it sooner. I hate running and going to the gym. Waiting on machines and sharing with god knows who. So I got lazy and put on about 70-80lbs since moving to PA about 1.5 years ago. And now I got a long road ahead of me. I wanna drop all this weight and get a "six pack" by sept when I start back to college and start a new life. Might be a bit unrealistic, but I'm sure as hell going to push it. I just wish I wouldn't have waited so long to try P90X. But with threads like this and all the "quick fix workout's" I was skeptical.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Very well put ElaineKatko!

    It's all about motivation in my opinion.

    I suppose if you don't have the motivation or will power to do it, then don't do it. It's not for everyone, but it is for me and I fully appreciate what Tony Horton and the Beachbody crew was able to provide for us!

    Thanks and I agree!
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    My husband and I just finished week 1 of P90X, we LOVE it!!!! It's not easy but I know its going to be so worth it:) MOTIVATION is the key :)
  • I agree.

    I bought it (with hubby's money! LOL) and I found it WAY too intense and quite boring, frankly.

    Zumba, dancing, and exercise TV 20-minute strength training vids is working just fine for me.

    I still sub Plyometrics, Ab Ripper X, and some of the others from time to time, I just don't do it regularly.
  • I have known several friends who have tried P90X and only one has stuck with it. The one who has stuck is a 55 year-old man! I will say he is a former Marine, and a former Drill Instructor, at that, so his commitment level is about 10 notches higher than the average person who is trying to lose weight, like myself. I admire him for his perseverance, but I'm not trying that yet. I am focusing on controlling my daily caloric intake first, so far I've lost nine pounds in the last week and a half by not starving, but not gorging, either. This site has been extremely helpful in that!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I refuse to spend 150 dollars for P90X or any excercise plan. There are ways to find these things for free or half the cost. I got P90X from my library for free.
    As for the program, it works for me. When i go to a gym i normally spend an hour and a half there. P90X time is not an issue for me. As for home excercise programs in general, i do them in the winter. Its way to cold to go out so i love these dvds. When the warm comes back, i ditch the dvds, get my bike out and ride to the gym.

    To some it is money well spent. The way I look at it is if I spent the money on it I'll be damned if I'm not going to use it. With no real money invested in it, it would be easy for me to say "eh it didn't cost me anything so who cares if I finish it or not."
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    These are REGULAR everyday MFP'ers that have had phenominal success with P90X ...



    NUFF SAID!!!!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Nice results in those photos! I just finished day 1. It took me a little longer then one hour run time. But I can blame that on 5-6months of being lazy. I am drained! But almost ready to get up and go at it again lol.

    Once spring gets here and I start getting back out doors, I can really see how this program will do wonders.
  • Roskarin
    Roskarin Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry I can't agree with you on this one. I enjoyed it and seen results. I like Tony's attitude he doesn't push you remember his motto- Do your best and forget the rest. Of course someone who is obese should not try it because their fitness level is minimal but others who are somewhat fit and not extremely overweight- I DO RECOMMEND!!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I think that what the OP said is true of ANY exercise DVD ... You will see results BUT you have to work at it. Some people put the DVD in and just skate by on the exercises then whine that they didn't see results.

    I am NOT a beachbody coach but I AM on Week 12 of the P90X program. Is it hard? Yes! Are the exercises long? Sure are! Do I have time to do it 6 days a week? Not really but I MAKE time.

    If you are dedicated to finishing what you start, are at a moderate level of fitness and want to get into "the best shape of your life" then I say that P90X is a good value. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on personal trainers ... yes THOUSANDS and I am in better shape after 11 weeks of P90X then I have been in at least 15 years. I am 47 years old and have lost 35 lbs (not all on P90X). I did do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred prior to starting the P90X program but face it, if you can't commit to finishing the 30DS you won't commit to finishing P90X.
  • Jenstar7772
    Jenstar7772 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the information. I have not tried it, but had a friend suggest it. It sounded to me like a quick way to get in shape, but I am more for the overall result. If I try it and go through with it and hate it, the most likely result is once I'm done it will discourage me from working out. Thats why for now I am just sticking with the gym and when my body says no mas, I stop. Thanks for the information, it helps me confirm that I would dread it lol.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    The fact that some untrained and unfit people claim to have experienced "success" with P90x does not really mean much.

    Oh seriously! Azdak, some of your replies are just downright insulting. Just because the rest of us didn't ditch our office jobs & pick up a career in nutrition like you doesn't make us "untrained"! It doesn't take a "trained" person to see muscle development or the scale decreasing. Furthermore, "success" is subjective - there isn't a single, static definition. :grumble:
  • td_ssam
    td_ssam Posts: 32
    I have pictures up from my first P90X round. I'll let those pictures speak for what P90X can do for you.

    Let me remind you that I've NEVER had a six pack with anything I've done in the past... Ever. Until P90X.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I refuse to spend 150 dollars for P90X or any excercise plan. There are ways to find these things for free or half the cost. I got P90X from my library for free.
    As for the program, it works for me. When i go to a gym i normally spend an hour and a half there. P90X time is not an issue for me. As for home excercise programs in general, i do them in the winter. Its way to cold to go out so i love these dvds. When the warm comes back, i ditch the dvds, get my bike out and ride to the gym.

    To some it is money well spent. The way I look at it is if I spent the money on it I'll be damned if I'm not going to use it. With no real money invested in it, it would be easy for me to say "eh it didn't cost me anything so who cares if I finish it or not."

    That is a very good point, i might actually be doing that with insantiy. I got it from the library and one of the discs don't work and its one of the main ones. I'm still gonna shop around and see if i can get a good deal. Crappy economy!!!!!
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