P90X - Don't Do It



  • I actually like p90x. I am seriously over weight and out of shape, but for some reason I can still do it. The only thing I have a hard time with are the dreya rolls. I agree with you about the yoga and the diet portion of it though. I absolutely dread the yoga; it's way too long. And the diet part of it just seems ridiculous (although they do have some good recipes). I just follow a low calorie eating plan. Good luck to you all!
  • So I went & read the OP's website. I think I have a better understanding of some of his concerns. One of his biggest concerns with p90x is that it is only for 90 days. So you finish the program & then what? (which is why I think his screen name has '52' in it...refers to all 52 weeks of the year).

    Very perceptive/intuitive. I'm impressed.

    First, of all, kudos to all the P90Xophiles out there. I think your point has been made: if you stick with it, P90X works.

    Health/Wellness/Fitness over a lifetime is more about psychology than physiology. As you noticed, my approach to fitness is about developing sustainable habits that lead to health and wellness over the long term. But this was never meant to be a plug of my personal training philosophy. Just a criticism of P90X. And in full disclosure, I originally wrote it as a blog entry but thought it might raise some good debate in the forums, so here it is.

    Alot of questions have been raised and counterpoints offered. I can't address them all and some I'll just outright ignore. But here goes a response to some of the more common posts.

    Claim: I reject P90X because it's taking my business.
    False: My primary career is in special education. I am a middle school teacher of kiddos with severe emotional and behavioral issues. I love teaching but I've also always been a fitness enthusiast. I became a personal trainer originally to help friends and family members get in shape. After school and in the summers I lead fitness groups for small businesses, friends, church groups, school staff members, etc. I have to turn down training gigs because I just don't have the time.

    Claim: I reject P90X because I'm an undisciplined wimp of a human being.
    Partially true: I do have rotator cuff issues (SLAP lesion for all the orthopedists out there) which prevent me from performing many of the upper body exercises. And I also go through phases of varying degrees of discipline. Right now, I happen to be in pretty good routine. Ask me again in a month and I might have a different answer for you.

    Claim: I should not have taken such an absolutist stance against P90X.
    I Agree: If I were to repost somewhere else, I would make it more testimonial and leave it up to the reader to decide whether or not it would be good for them. But then again, we wouldn't have had such a lively discussion had I sugar coated my views.

    All in all, I've enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts and I appreciate the passionate but civil discussion about something so near and dear to us all.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Sounds to me like someone is just trying to promote his own personal training service! This site isn't intended to DIScourage people, it's intended to help motivate and encourage people on their personal fitness journeys. If you're just interested in plugging your own business instead of being a positive influence then I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself.

    Lively discussion indeed.
    This statement was unnecessary.
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    Does anyone ever feel that there is a bit of stealth marketing for P90X on this site... some of these people love it a little too much! :)
  • Love Insanity! I've done the same with the three days P90X strength training and three days for cardio with Insanity. Although I find some of the full body Insanity routines hard to keep up with in addition to the P90X......almost to the point of overtraining.
  • I'm a functional fitness trainer specializing in law enforcement and special operator specific training.

    I've referred people to P90X, Power 90, Insanity...really, any of the Beachbody branded workouts. They are designed well and work for someone that doesn't have time or money for a gym.

    Myself, I've done P90X, P90X Plus and Insanity just to switch up my routine a bit.

    Presently, I workout in the gym doing my own routine.

    In the end, just find something that you like and provides the results YOU want! There are way too many 'experts' in the field out there.
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    I agree the trubo works and I love it I use to do it all the time and now that I read this I am going to start doing it again I just have to find the dvds. and cheaper than a gym membership. Since I all ready have them.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I just wanted to thank everyone for the lively discussion.
    I am running my first half marathon in 9 days, and after I return from that trip I am thinking of trying to start a modified P90X.
    I know I am in better shape... and I know that under all of this fat there is a warrior ...

    I might be too large for P90X... but I am pretty sure I am going to try.
    Surely if I have the determination to stick it out for 14 miles, I might be able to do some of it, right?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I've tried Insanity, P90X, Chalean Extreme, Couch to 5K, Kett;ebells and to be honest....they all have their pros and cons. The only thing that matters is what will keep the person interested in maintaining activity. THAT'S IT.

    There's always going to be people who liked it and people who didn't like it. WHO CARES. If it works for you and has got you into shape then great. If it didn't work for you....MOVE ON.

    Insanity was too much cardio for me. Chalean Extreme was too easy. P90X was fun but I didn't like the structure so I mix it in when I want it. Couch to 5K works great for me and I've just started mixing in Kettlebells so I can't say much about that yet. Those are MY opinions.....I'm not going to force them on anyone else. It's for other people to read and then do with it what they will.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Wow, i missed alot!!! Dont really have anything to say that hasnt been covered, so i'll just say this P90X worked for me when nothing else would!!! And i cant wait for P90X MC2 to come out!!!! Here are my results if anyone is interested!!!!:smile:


    This is my second round of p90x and im doing a hybrid this time with a FREE site called bodyrock.tv!!! And i will say this about p90x and any other workout program "don't knock it till you try it" how will you ever know if its for you or not if you take someone else's opinion on it.... everyone is different and likes different things!!!! I never would have guessed how much i would come to love p90x.... in the 1st 2 weeks i hated doing it but in that 3rd week something clicked in me and i feel in love :heart: with it!!!
  • all i am trying to say is you can do it if you choose to tackle the program. I am not attacking people who does not want to try it. I am all for trying any other the best suit your lifestyle and your schedule. All i am saying is it worked for me and i want to let everyone know that it is not just any other informercial. I am not trying to sell it out there either. since the topic says don't do P90x i want to share my experience to everyone who is thinking about doing the program. It doesn't just demand the time you need to do the workout but it requires to change your whole lifestyle completely. I find the toughest part of the program is actually the diet. This is where the true discipline comes in ( in my opinion) it is so hard to stick to diet especially if you go out with friends and family. Finding restaurants and places that is close enough to be healthy. Anyways goodluck to everyone who wants to do it or any other fitness program. Don't get discourage if you don't see result right away. Just keep doing it and have fun!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Sounds to me like someone is just trying to promote his own personal training service! This site isn't intended to DIScourage people, it's intended to help motivate and encourage people on their personal fitness journeys. If you're just interested in plugging your own business instead of being a positive influence then I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself.

    Lively discussion indeed.
    This statement was unnecessary.

    That's one thing you and I agree about -- 100%
  • I LOVE P90X! It comes with a fitness guide which is there to help you, I am no Nutritionalist, but I took what was in there and made my own meal plan. I have done this program several times over, and I gotta tell ya it has never disapointed me yet. Yes, time is a bad factor, if so USE 10-minute trainer, the Beach Body programs are THE BEST!!!!!! They have programs for beginners, and programs for elites like me! I gotta tell ya it sucks when you have to go to work, then school, I couldn't eat right or excercise for 5 MONTHS!!!! But, after NOT doing p90x for 5 months, I tried it again, im on day 60 and im in better shape then when I was on my first 90 days. p90x helps you get in shape very quickly and you start see results as little as 2-weeks, that's it! Of course the first 2 weeks are the hardest, but you have to push yourself, it's not easy, but YOU CAN MODIFY!!! That's what's so great about this program, you don't have to keep up with Tony, or the other guys, he even tells you this. DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PROGRAM!!! IT CHANGED MY LIFE!!!
    After this round of p90x, I plan on following up with Insanity, it will be my first time trying, so I know it's going to be hard. Then I plan on following up Insanity with p90x PLUS, it's an add-on to p90x for those that have completed the program, and there shorter workouts! I know p90x is 60mins to 90 mins, Insanity is 40 mins to 45 mins, p90x PLUS is 45 mins. I leave you with that.
  • thainloc
    thainloc Posts: 3 Member
    I have almost completed my first p90x program (on the last week of the 90 days now). It is by far the best combination of diet and workouts that i have come accross. I had already lost about 25kg before i started it but it has help me shape and tone and lose the last 10kg. It is not easy but well worth the effort.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have almost completed my first p90x program (on the last week of the 90 days now). It is by far the best combination of diet and workouts that i have come accross. I had already lost about 25kg before i started it but it has help me shape and tone and lose the last 10kg. It is not easy but well worth the effort.

    Awesome!!! Love hearing these stories.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Well, I have missed the thread, don't know how. I am so glad to see this, because it means I made the right choice. I am starting my third week of the Prep schedule of TurboFire and I am starting to get some serious results! I could have gone with P90X instead, but chose TF because I am not in good enough shape for P90X and I have back and knee issues. I am able to easily modify with TF.
  • well, I don't do the diet program but I like the exercise videos ab ripper x and kenpo x are my favorites
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I am a fifteen year old girl and I find it to be just perfect

    You are too young to be on this site. I would recommend SparkTeens.
  • jdengel86
    jdengel86 Posts: 1
    I love p90x and am currently doing p90x-2.

    The results don't lie, yeah it's a little difficult, but it's like anything else in life. If you are ok with having a mediocre career, do mediocre work. If you want a mediocre body then do a mediocre workout. If you want a rocking body you need to do a rocking workout.
  • lokepa
    lokepa Posts: 204 Member
    What's with the three year old threads??
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