P90X - Don't Do It

Don’t do it. Put down the credit card. I’m telling you, you’re going to waste that $150 if you type those 16 numbers into the form and hit enter. Seriously. p90x is a fabulous workout, but not for you.

Here’s a brief explanation of why I do not recommend P90X for my clients.

P90X is too hard. Is that brief enough?

Tony Horton will come right out and tell you that P90X is hard, really really hard. He establishes a minimum fitness level one must attain before even attempting the workout. Well, I met those requirements. I am a personal trainer. I am in better than average shape and I can perform every exercise prescribed in this workout. I have tried twice now to work though the p90x DVD system only to quit each time in favor of other workout programs. It’s just simply too aggressive to sustain my, and I’m guessing your, motivation. I got to the point where I dreaded performing some of the DVDs. And when it comes to fitness, if there’s something you dread, sooner or later you are going to stop doing it.

P90X is too long.

I don’t have 90 minutes to workout. One of his DVDs, the yoga one I believe, was close to an hour and a half long. 20 minutes into the workout I was bored and ready to move on to the next obligation in my daily routine. I’m sure the P90X faithful will criticize my lack of discipline and will power, but that’s exactly why I don’t recommend P90X to novice trainers. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline and will power to make it through the program. I heard recently that the success of a fitness program is in its longevity. If you can sustain it, you can attain it. I just simply could not sustain my motivation to keep jumping around my living room when I would have rather been outside doing things I enjoy.

P90X is too complicated.

What’s so complicated about pushing play on a DVD player and doing what the DVD tells you to do? Nothing. But if that’s all you do, you’re going to see 50% of the results that P90X promises. That’s because exercise is 50% of fitness. What about your diet? I got nothing out of the diet and nutrition literature than accompanied the DVDs. I just could not figure out what in the world I was supposed to eat using their system. I go back to what I said earlier. Fitness is a result of longevity. Well to take that a step further, longevity is a result of simplicity. P90X and its accompanying diet plan was too complicated to offer me any benefit.

I have to give Tony Horton his props. I learned quite a few exercises from his DVDs and I shamelessly incorporate them into my own exercise programs. But as a package, I recommend that beginner to intermediate fitness goers pursue less intense, simpler exercise programs to which they will be more likely to adhere over the long term.


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    3 words: GO JILLIAN MICHAELS! haha.
    I find her workouts, quick & to the point. Easy to fit into my day, and not so extremely absurd fitness wise that i cant manage it.
    I've never done p90x or even attempted, i just KNOW it's not for me.
    I'll stick with JM :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Thanks.. I was wondering what everyone was talking about with all this P90X talk. I live in germany on a military post and we dont get commercials on our tv service. So I didnt know what P90X was, I was looking into thinking if I should buy it... NOW.. I wont!~!

    I will just keep eating right and working my way up to be able to run a little bit.
  • fitmom125
    I'm glad I didn't purchase it with my money. But I will try it anyway.
  • IndyFit52
    "Eating right and working my way up to be able to run a little bit."

    What more do you need? Not much in my opinion. See if someone on the military base can show you a few strength training exercises and you'll be well on your way to fitness. Good luck and thanks for your service !!!
  • AllDayMzAmberJ
    AllDayMzAmberJ Posts: 46 Member
    I actually felt the same way about the Insanity workout system. I tried but like you I began to dread doing some of the workouts and they were so long, and I got sick of jumping around and running suicides in my basement. It just wasn't for me. I have also learned that I prefer walking/running/playing tennis/swimming - pretty much anything I can do outdoors.
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    Thank you! I've been debating this as well. Wondering if I could stick with it. I'm turned off by the amount of time required. I don't have that freedom......I've been hearing things about jillian's dvds....maybe thats the route for me!
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    I agree with you about it being boring. I was SOO bored after about 15 mintues. I also found the plyometrics was really hard on my knees.
  • Xenocat
    Xenocat Posts: 13
    p90X might not be for everybody.. certainly not me, yet... but the original Power 90 is a fantastic workout.. I'm currently doing it, and enjoying it. I'm not sure Ill ever be willing to dedicate a full hour+ to indoor exercise, but the time frame on power 90 suits me. So something to consider!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Actually, I would highly recommend and have done the power 90 and the Master series. It is a great workout and the tapes get to the next levels gradually. It is not as time consuming but still an effective and great workout. I haven't tried the the whole p90X - only parts - for one of the reason you stated - the time part. But, the master series is wonderful and challenging for me and I loved my results. So, that is just my thoughts.
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    I like P90X .....BUT I do it with Insanity as a hybrid. When I do P90X I do weights 3 days and Insanity 3 days.

    Insanity is my fave homeworkout ......EVER. :):heart:
  • dreamhill
    I agree...Go with Jillian. It is tough but straight to the right places. The best thing is you can get it at Walmart for $9
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    I am doing P90x and I actually love it! I find that it challenges me every single time I push play and that is what I love. I have already had amazing results that I have never come close to accomplishing with any other workout routine and/or program I have tried in the past. I HIGHLY recommend P90x!
  • heatherjbw
    I agree with you on many of your points when it comes to recommending P90X to others; it is HARD (the hardest program I've ever done) and it is LONG (they say you only need an hour a day, and it's definitely 90). But for people who are able to be committed to it and want the challenge, it's fantastic! I loved my 90 days and had great results. So I feel mixed about your review; you did tout some of the positives about this program, but in such a way that makes it sound not so great. I'm sure I'm biased because I loved my experience, thought I did dread it some nights but I dread working out in general some nights! Perhaps it's your title; instead of the tagline "Don't Do It", I would feel more comfortable if it was something less negative and more encouraging people to know what the program requires.
  • bradspace
    I have been exercising/lifting weights for 25 years, just so you know my experience level. My take on P90X (I am just about to begin it, but have researched it tirelessly and spoken with both champions and detractors of the system) is that it IS exceptionally aggressive and intense, and more than likely, you will NOT be able to do what he does for the length of time that he does it. Having said that, it is my opinion that it is better to do something at 20% - 40%- 75% than not at all. I know of several people that took three times through the system to be able to do it all as shown. I plan on giving it a go and doing what I can for as long as I can. When I have done all workouts, I will go evaluate where I am and if it has been effective for me on any level. If so, then I will go back to the beginning and start again. If not, then I will move onto something else. It doesn't hurt to try, it only hurts to do nothing.
  • xinzya
    xinzya Posts: 15
    the only problem I have with Jillian Michaels- and I love her workouts- is the repetition- I want to do one move and then go on to the next move...I don't want to repeat the moves again 3 minutes later- I find myself getting bored in that respect...that's my only criticism of her though....
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I got 1/3 of the way through P90..10 yrs ago back before P90x.

    Here's why.
    Phase 1 for over an hour every night. My 2 friend and I did this faithfully. At the end of the 30 days we were SO ready for Phase 2 b/c we were bored and sick and tired of the same stuff night after night.

    Because Tony moves so fast, we decided to watch Phase 2 the first night just to see what we would be doing.
    It was THE SAME STUFF! Just faster and more reps. We turned if off and quit. Two of us went and joined a gym.

    At least with the P90X you rotate routines so you're not always doing the same stuff.
    I know people who are on P90x and very dedicated and even one who is on the maintenance portion..but there are very few. It's like anything else..know what you are jumping into before you buy.
  • IndyFit52
    In terms of recommendations

    Tier I Body For Life/Eating for Life, Turbulence Training, Jillian Michaels

    Tier II - P90X, Insanity,

    Tier III - Pretty much anything promoting supplements or excessive training regimens
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    P90X works. Yes its hard, but why would anyone want to sell their self short of their FULL potential?!?!?!
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    The only thing I agree with you about is the Yoga. Yoga is too long. I am not in the best shape but the workouts are doing me good. Like you said it's not for every one but don't go on here telling people not to buy it. Let people make thier own judgments. There may be some people here who would have loved the workout but now they wont' do it because of a few. Weight Loss is trial and error. Find what works for you.
  • monstertwelve
    i have it but havent done it yet...however everyone i know that has tried it...stops after only a few of the workouts cause they say its way tooo hard!
    sooo im kinda scared but what about turbo fire???
    do you recommend them?